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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-08 05:42



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 06:34

uh...guy. In principal, the entire North American universities need you present your marks of TOEFL to them. e.g. [[[ the U.S.& Canada ]]]!!!
——especially the U.S., cuz parts of Canadian Us could accept your grade of IELTS——

In other words, (premiss: you're oriented to an English-spoken country)
in the British Commonwealth of Nations, such as the UK, Australia, New Zealand and such. —— TOEFL is all but no longer necessary then.

Plus, as you mentioned the necessaties of TOEFL, I've got to say that TOEFL is the ONLY access to an American U. or LAC. Accordingly, NO DOUBT, TOEFL sure is the most crucial certificate for your study abroad!

Speaking of the most difficult aspect of TOEFL among the four: reading, listening, speaking and writing, especially for we Chinese students, LISTENING & SPEAKING must rank the first!
1. Since the two have been our age-old obsessive weakness of our English study.
2. And the contexts are usually assorted around American campus life, conversations between a prof and a student in the office, simulated classes, etc.
3. Quite a few examinees can't bear such a long period of the test. And most students who never have the opportunity to attend a pertinent class of it or lack of exercises scarcely continue the listening or speaking test at the epilogue of test.

Whereas, reading and writing remain our strength of English study, as long as your power of vocabulary is strong enough and you've been adequately prepared for the templates, from what it's not a difficult part.

-- the end ^_^ (hope it'll be helpful...)

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 06:34


热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 06:35


It depends, but for me, is listening!
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