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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 13:11



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 00:47

Handan City is located in the south part of Hebei Province, between 36°20' –44 of latitude north and 114°03' -40' of longitude east. It abuts on three province Shanxi, Shandong and Henan. It is 150km away from the capital of Hebei Province Shijiazhuang City in the north, and 450km from the Beijing City. In the west, it closes to Mountain Taihang; in the east, it strides Huabei Plains. Its terrain falls in a series down from west to east with great disparity in the altitude difference and various land features. Being bounded by Jingguang Railway, the west landform is middle or low rugged hills; however, the east landform is Huabei Plains. The highest altitude is 1898.7m, and the lowest altitude is 32.7m with an altitude difference of 1866m, the general slope falling become 11.8‰. The total area of Handan city is 12000 square meters with its population of 8,571,000. In 1985, it is claimed as an open city by the State Council. It is approved by State Council as a “ bigger city” in 1992,and “Historic City” in 1994. It dominates 4 districts (Hanshan District, Congtai District, Fuxing District, Fengfeng Kuang District), one city (Wu An City), 14 counties (Handan County, Linzhang County, Chengan County, Daming County, Shexian County, Cixian County, Feixiang County, Yongnian County, Qiu County, Jize County, Guangping County, Quzhou County, Weixian County, Guantao County). There are 214 towns, and 5366 administrative villages. Handan City is the central city of Zhongyuan and it is the Economic and Technical Cooperation zone for its rich resources, advantages of the location, and powerful economic basis. In the west of the city, the graceful hill overflows with mineral resources. The East part, Plain yields various agricultural procts and economic crops has so that it has the reputation of being the Barn of grains and Sea of Cotton.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 00:47

要是光这个词语的话就是Handan 要是介绍邯郸的话要看你怎么介绍了

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 00:47

Handan City is located in the south part of Hebei Province, between 36°20' –44 of latitude north and 114°03' -40' of longitude east. It abuts on three province Shanxi, Shandong and Henan. It is 150km away from the capital of Hebei Province Shijiazhuang City in the north, and 450km from the Beijing City. In the west, it closes to Mountain Taihang; in the east, it strides Huabei Plains. Its terrain falls in a series down from west to east with great disparity in the altitude difference and various land features. Being bounded by Jingguang Railway, the west landform is middle or low rugged hills; however, the east landform is Huabei Plains. The highest altitude is 1898.7m, and the lowest altitude is 32.7m with an altitude difference of 1866m, the general slope falling become 11.8‰. The total area of Handan city is 12000 square meters with its population of 8,571,000. In 1985, it is claimed as an open city by the State Council. It is approved by State Council as a “ bigger city” in 1992,and “Historic City” in 1994. It dominates 4 districts (Hanshan District, Congtai District, Fuxing District, Fengfeng Kuang District), one city (Wu An City), 14 counties (Handan County, Linzhang County, Chengan County, Daming County, Shexian County, Cixian County, Feixiang County, Yongnian County, Qiu County, Jize County, Guangping County, Quzhou County, Weixian County, Guantao County). There are 214 towns, and 5366 administrative villages. Handan City is the central city of Zhongyuan and it is the Economic and Technical Cooperation zone for its rich resources, advantages of the location, and powerful economic basis. In the west of the city, the graceful hill overflows with mineral resources. The East part, Plain yields various agricultural procts and economic crops has so that it has the reputation of being the Barn of grains and Sea of Cotton.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 00:47

要是光这个词语的话就是Handan 要是介绍邯郸的话要看你怎么介绍了
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