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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-12 05:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 17:23

Kelis - Lil Star (Ft. Cee-Lo)
There is nothing special about me
I am just a lil star
If it seems like I'm shining brightly
It's probably a reflection of something you already are
I forget about myself sometime
When there's so many other around
When deep inside you feels darkest
That is where I can always be found
That is where I can always be found
That is where I can always be found
Just keep trying and trying
It's just a matter of timing
Though the grinding is tiring
Don't let 'em stop you from smiling
Just keep trying and trying
Sooner or later you'll find it
It's surprising how inspiring
It is to see you shining
Cause in the dark of the night
you're all I can see
and you sure look like a star to me
There is nothing special about me
I am just a lil star
If you try to reach out an touch me
you'll see I'm not really that far
I may not be the brightest
nor am I the last one you'll see
But as long as you notice,
that's just fine with me
Everything's just fine with me
Everything's just fine with me
Just keep trying and trying
It's just a matter of timing
Though the grinding is tiring
Don't let 'em stop you from smiling
Just keep trying and trying
Sooner or later you'll find it
It's surprising how inspiring
It is to see you shining
Cause in the dark of the night
you're all I can see
and you sure look like a star to me
There is nothing special about me
I am just a lil star
I've been running and jumping, but barely
Getting, getting over the bar
I plan on being much more than
I am but that's in do time
But until then I'm guilty,
and being humans my crime
Being human that is my crime
Being human that is my crime
Just keep trying and trying
It's just a matter of timing
Though the grinding is tiring
Don't let 'em stop you from smiling
Just keep trying and trying
Sooner or later you'll find it
It's surprising how inspiring
It is to see you shining
Cause in the dark of the night
you're all I can see
and you sure look like a star to me
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