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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-17 02:44



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 06:50

1,I want to learn Korean but it has a little dificult.应该为:I want to learn Korean,although it is a little difficult.有一点困难不能用has。
2,I haven’t hear anything about you for long time,are you very busy?应该为:I haven't hear about you for a long time.听说与某人有关的情况不能用hear而应该用hear about即听说与。。。。有关的情况。
3,Fitting your life in the university?应该为:How's your life in the university?
4,If you have time, welcome to China, I want to take you around.应该为:If you have time,I wish you can come to China,I will show you around.welcome显得有些强硬,用wish比较好。
5,And when I goto korea,I will play with you!我不清楚你这一句是什么意思,前面都是希望别人到中国来,这一句变成自己要到韩国去,以后作文的跳跃性最好不要太大,老师一旦第一遍读不懂印象分就会不好,得分自然会变低,应该为:If you cann't I will go to korea and when I got there,I wish you can show me something interesting.
6,I want to know more information about EXO,they usually take action in Korea,sowe only know few information.写作文必须将事情交代清楚,逻辑的跳跃性要小一点,应该为:I am very interesting in EXO.Can you tell me more information about them?Because they usually perform in Korea.
7,If you know something could you tell me?因为有上一句的铺垫,这一句可以删去。
I want to learn Korean,although it is a little difficult.I haven't hear about you for a long time.How's your life in the university?:If you have time,I wish you can come to China,I will show you around.If you cann't I will go to korea and when I got there,I wish you can show me something interesting.I am very interesting in EXO.Can you tell me more information about them?Because they usually perform in Korea.I can't wait for our meeting!(最后加一句铺垫)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 06:50

I always want to learn Korean though it might be a little difficult. I haven't heard from you for a long time. So how are you recently? Are you very busy with your university study/work? If you have a plan to visit China, I'll be your guide. And I really want to visit your country too.
I'm really interested in EXO, and want to get more information about it. Do you know anything about it? If you do, could you please tell me something about it?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
My warmest wishes


热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 06:51

I haven't heard from you for such a long time.Are you busy with your life in the university now? I intend to learn some Korean but it is a little difficult for me. Do you have any good advice for me ? I will show you around whenever you come to China.Meanwhile, I hope I can go to Korea to meet you.
I am one of the faithful fans of EXO,so I'm so eager to know more about them. However, they often take part in activities in Korea, I have little chance to meet them. What a pity! If you can tell me some information about them, I will be very grateful to you.
Let's keep in touch if it's concenient for you.
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