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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-26 09:43



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 10:55



  1. Culture

  a. THW require study of the traditional style Chinese writing.

  b. TH opposes the private ownership of artifacts deemed to be national treasures.

  c. THBT Shanzhai culture is bad for China.

  2. Ecation

  a. THW base teachers? pay on their students? performance.

  b. THW make community service compulsory for all college students.

  c. THBT Chinese compulsory ecation should be extended to 12 years

  3. Economy

  a. TH supports a new international trading currency.

  b. THB that China should stop buying US debt.

  c. China should issue consumption vouchers to stimulate the economy.

  4. Global climate change

  a. Developed nations should accept global warming refugees

  b. Those affected by global climate change should have the right to sue major carbon-emitting nations.

  c. China should cap its carbon emissions.

  5. East Asia

  a. Immediate elections are in Thailand抯 best interest.

  b. ASEAN should expel Myanmar

  c. Direct negotiations between the US and North Korea are preferable to the Six-Party Talks.

  6. Family & Population

  a. THBT women should be allowed to sell their eggs

  b. TH would require the father抯 consent for abortions.

  c. China should legalize marriage between homosexuals.

  7. Crime & Punishment

  a. Criminals sentenced to life imprisonment without parole should be allowed to choose death instead.

  b. China should establish a national DNA database of all citizens for the purposes of criminal investigations.

  c. This house would make parents liable for their children抯 crimes.

  8. Governing & Government

  a. THW make one-year military service a qualification for public servants.

  b. TH would require government officials to make full financial disclosure to the public.

  c. THW make all NPC representatives full-time, professional legislators.

  9.Campus Life

  a. China abolish English as a compulsory subject in postgraate entrance examinations.

  b. China make military training compulsory for all college students.

  c. All major corporations operating in China should be required to offer student internships.

  Octofinals: Medical service

  a. China should ban hymen reconstruction surgeries.

  b. China should legalize physician-assisted suicide.

  c. The World Health Organization (WHO) should have the authority to quarantine in times of health crises.

  Quarterfinals: Judiciary

  a. China should apply capital punishment only to homicide cases.

  b. China should fully establish a jury-by-peers system.

  c. Judges should be elected.

  Semifinals: International Issues


  a. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization should admit Iran as a full member.

  b. The United Nations should take control of Jerusalem.

  c. NATO should fully withdraw from Afghanistan before 2012.

  SEMIFINAL #2   a. The USA should stop promoting democracy as part of their foreign policy.

  b. Pre-emptive strikes on Somalia to curb piracy are justified.

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