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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-25 23:17



热心网友 时间:2023-07-22 04:35

这种事因人而异。 This matter vary.

为了增加趣味,教师应该使自己的课多样化。 To increase fun, teachers should diversify their classes.

海洋中生活着各种各样的海洋生物。 Oceans are home to a wide variety of marine life.

令我们感到有趣的是,那个演员在舞台上跳上跳下。 What makes us feel interesting is that the actor jumped up and down on the stage.

阅读和看电影是我的娱乐活动。 Reading and watching movies is my entertainment.

男孩子们画他们老师的漫画像来取乐。The boys draw caricatures of their teacher like for fun.

听了讲故事者的笑话,我们感到很好笑。After listening to the storyteller's jokes, we feel very funny.

我认为应该保留这些传统习俗。I think we should keep these traditional customs.

你可以用盐保存肉或鱼。You can save meat or fish with salt.

在自然保护区内不许打猎。No hunting in nature reserves.

会议提前四天召开。The meeting was held four days in advance.

古希腊是个先进的文明国家。Ancient Greece was an advanced civilization.

她承认偷了自行车。She admitted her stealing of a bike.

你会发现很难靠近那只老虎。You will find it is so hard to get close to the tiger.

伤兵又苏醒过来了。The wounded soldiers woke up again.

我洗澡时,想出了这个主意。  When I took a bath, I came up with this idea.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-22 04:35


热心网友 时间:2023-07-22 04:36


热心网友 时间:2023-07-22 04:36



1 The sky is blue; the cloud is white ; the water is clean and the air is fresh.2 There is no high building.3.I can run on the grassland.4.There is a river beside our school.


A good beginning is half done.良好的开端等于成功的一半。Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的老师。Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。Better master one than engage with ten.会十事,不如精一事。Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.行动是知识之佳果 All things are difficult b...


1. I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!2. Sometimes,happiness is not the more the better,but to just right。3. Brief is life, but love is long. 生命虽短,爱却绵长。4. I don’t want to be the first one。I ...


【原文】1.青岛是一个美好的玩的开心的地方 【翻译】Qingdao is a wonderful fun place 【原文】2.我迫不及待地打开礼物 【翻译】I am unable to hold myself back to open the present 【原文】3.我计划去那美丽的地方 【翻译】I plan to go to that beautiful place 【原文】4.我刚刚完成...


1.超市里有各种各样的东西 There are all kinds of goods on sale in the supermarket.2.这双鞋很便宜,我买了 I'll take this pair of shoes because they are very cheap.3.我的裤子太旧了,我想买条新的 My trousers are old, so I would like to buy a new pair.4.减价书包每个...


1.对我而言,这本字典太贵了,我买不起。For me, this dictionary is too expensive, I can not afford it.This dictionary is too expensive for me, I can not afford it 2.他们每人有一本新字典 Each of them has a new dictionary.3.让他替我做这个吧 Please let him do this for ...


1.我们从来不知道将来会发生什么。(happen,in the future)We never know what will happen in the future.2.我发现学好法语很难。(find,difficult)I find it difficult to learn French well.3.你应该尽快赶到那里。(as...as possible)You should get there as soon as possible.4.疲劳的孩子们...


I will go to school.3、你经常去看电影吗?不,不是很经常。Do you often go to cinema?No, I dont.4、Jan每天早上六点起床。Jan gets up at 6 every day.5、地板很脏,我要去打扫一下。The floor is dirty, I need to turn it out.下面的是把英文翻译成中文 6、What's your job?


1 我们正在竭尽全力帮助那些贫穷的母亲们 We are doing whatever we can to help those needy mothers 2 社区将支付比尔上大学的费用.The community will pay all Bill's university tuition fees.3 那所中学已经为学生建了一间实验室.That high school has already set up a laboratory for the ...


1.那匹马象弦的箭,朝着东方疾驰而去。That horse darted towards the east just like a arrow departed its bow.2.玫瑰色的天空 rosy sky 3.一个鲜花盛开的伊甸园 Eden in blossom 4.黄昏逝去,夜幕降落,沉沉的寂静笼罩一切 the dusk went away followed by the darkness. everything was ...

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