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《Self Comesto Mind》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

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热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 17:39

《Self Comes to Mind》(Antonio Damasio)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读

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书名:Self Comes to Mind

作者:Antonio Damasio


出版社:Pantheon Books




From one of the most significant neuroscientists at work today, a pathbreaking investigation of a question that has confounded philosophers, psychologists, and neuroscientists for centuries: how is consciousness created?

Antonio Damasio has spent the past thirty years studying and writing about how the brain operates, and his work has garnered acclaim for its singular melding of the scientific and the humanistic. In Self Comes to Mind, he goes against the long-standing idea that consciousness is somehow separate from the body, presenting compelling new scientific evidence that consciousness—what we think of as a mind with a self—is to begin with a biological process created by a living organism. Besides the three traditional perspectives used to study the mind (the introspective, the behavioral, and the neurological), Damasio introces an evolutionary perspective that entails a radical change in the way the history of conscious minds is viewed and told. He also advances a radical hypothesis regarding the origins and varieties of feelings, which is central to his framework for the biological construction of consciousness: feelings are grounded in a near fusion of body and brain networks, and first emerge from the historically old and humble brain stem rather than from the modern cerebral cortex.

Damasio suggests that the brain’s development of a human self becomes a challenge to nature’s indifference and opens the way for the appearance of culture, a radical break in the course of evolution and the source of a new level of life regulation—sociocultural homeostasis. He leaves no doubt that the blueprint for the work-in-progress he calls sociocultural homeostasis is the genetically well-established basic homeostasis, the curator of value that has been present in simple life-forms for billions of years. Self Comes to Mind is a groundbreaking journey into the neurobiological foundations of mind and self.



● 美国南加州大学神经科学、心理学和哲学教授。

● 他以情绪为出发点,从演化的角度重新阐释了人类意识产生的路径,其研究成果被各学科研究者广泛引用,被美国科学信息研究评为“高被引学者”之一。

● 他的首部著作《笛卡尔的错误》一经问世便获得热烈反响,自此以后,神经科学、心理学和哲学的研究都发生了巨大的转向。

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