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以Vocation Education or College Education?为题写一篇英语作文,越快越好!!!要求120词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-21 09:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 13:41

Vocation ecation or college ecation
With the increasingly fierce international competion, the human resource’s need in china is increasing. Vocation ecation is paid more and more attention. As we all know, ecation give service not only to personal development but also to the social development. Go to college is exactly what some parents always thought would happen to their kids, and they usually thought college ecation is better than college ecation. In fact, ecation can be different but no ecation is superior than others.
Vocation ecation is a kind of ecation with marketability, opening and adaptability. It can have a higher charge for its teaching program e to the change of market. The students with vocation ecation are established in social demand. College ecation which feature is unified、stable and normative focuse on exploring the social law of development. It may don’t know the certain service recipient. In a short, different ecational value means great difference between teaching content.
There is no such a problem of which is better when a high school student face the position to choose one of them. The students should choose on the basis of his family ecomics and his own insterst. On account of this, the true integrated development is what we really need.
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