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旅游对环境的影响 初二英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-16 20:23



热心网友 时间:2023-07-16 18:46

  Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment

  You are to write in three parts.

  In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.

  In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion,

  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary,

  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follw the instructions may result may result in a loss of marks.


  In recent years, tourism has developed rapidly in China. Many people believe that tourism proce positive effects on economic growth and we should try our best to promote tourism. But what these people fail to see is that tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on our environment. As for me, I'm firmly convinced that too much tourists bring harm to the environment.
  The bad impact of tourism on the environment has mainly expressed itself in various ways. One way is the process of exploiting a new scenic spot. In order to attract tourists, a lot of artificial facilities have been built, which have certain unfavorable effects on the environment. This process usually breaks the ecological balance of the area. In some mountainous places, trees are being cut down to build hotels for others to see and explore the beauty of the mountains. Then land slides and mud-rock flows come up. Another way the development of tourism has damaged the environment occurs when tourists go to scenic spots. Some tourists don't have the awareness to protect the environment, and ignorantly throw their garbage here and there. Some people even kill the local wildlife to eat, which badly damages the balance of the natural environment.
  It is wrong to sacrifice the environment for the growth of tourism. We must keep in mind that too much tourists bring harm to the environment. We need to find a balance between satisfying the needs of tourists and recing to a minimum the pollution they cause.  
  bring about
  造成, 引起〔导致〕(某事)
  Gambling had brought about his ruin.
  a disastrous impact
  firmly convinced that
  Exploit scenic spots 开发风景区
  artificial facility 人造设施
  unfavorable effect 不利影响
  break the ecological balance 破坏生态平衡
  land slide 滑坡,土崩
  mud-rock flows 泥石流
  ignorantly 无知地
  throw garbage here and there 乱丢垃圾
  It is wrong to sacrifice the environment for the growth of tourism.
  We need to find a balance between satisfying the needs of tourists and recing to a minimum the pollution they cause.
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