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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-19 02:00



热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 19:14

Chinese summary
The upsurge of construction of urban shopping precinct refracts and takes the place of urban people to come back to the demand for promoting vigorous street life for suiting people's yardstick at present. I regard the differentiating and analyse of the definitions of " street " and " way " as the breakthrough point at first, provide the definition of the pedestrian street , has reviewed the proction background and evolution of the pedestrian street, summarize the classification of the pedestrian street and its main characteristic, analyse the establishment condition of the pedestrian street and form the key element, have introced the brief one to the construction of the domestic and international pedestrian street. Then the author focuses on the design principle of the pedestrian street correctly based on the above content , the question that should notice with the design process has carried on research and discussion , and has put forward one's own opinion and view. The author takes some location in Xuzhou as an example finally, have carried on the concept conceptual design of transformation of pedestrian street, and has carried on the try of the practicality to the planning and design question of the pedestrian street through this way.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 19:15

t present the city commercial walk street constructs the upsurge refracts the modern city slicker to suit the human criterion to rise the full of vitality street life the demand return.Author first by “street” and “road” the definition discrimination is a breakthrough point, has given the walk street definition, reviewed the walk street proction background and the developing process, if summarized the walk street classification the main characteristic, has analyzed the walk street establishment condition and the integrant part, has carried on the brief introction to the domestic and foreign walk street construction situation.Then the author take above content as the foundation emphatically to the walk street principle of design, the question which should pay attention with the design process in has concted the research and the discussion, and proposed own opinion and the viewpoint.Finally the author take Hsuchou some land sector as an example, has carried on the conceptive project design which the walk street transforms, and has carried on the practical attempt through this way to the walk street plan design question.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 19:15

The current heat wave for the construction of pedestrian street reflects people's desire to retrieve an energetic street life. Firstly, the author analyses the differential definitions of street and road, and from it, giving the definition of pedestrian street. Reviewing the background of its born with its development, the author gives its categories with main features, analyzing pedestrian streets' setting up conditions and its main forming factors, and gave a brief introction to domestic and foreign pedestrian streets construction. Based on the above, the author focus on the principles of its designing and made research and discussion for key points ring the designing progress, giving his own understanding and points of view. Finally, the author takes example of a certain zone in Xu Zhou, gives conceptional designing layout for its petetrian street's annovation, and giving practical trial to petetrian street's layout designing with this method.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 19:16

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