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洛天依 一半一半 英语歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-17 00:47



热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 13:12

洛天依 《一半一半 》英语歌词:
Time the breeze slowly blowing over theears
  Your face has been quietly changing departure for too long it was found
  Then umber of fragments of memories which can come to mind
  Your white hairno longer want to start all over again their you that titude
  How short life is life
  Has lost three-fifths of
  How much looking forward to how many arrangements
  The past when the dream pick it up
  The young tie him helplessly old
  Life repeating the cycle of cause and effect
  Figure who always stalwart
  Your life gave me half of your love gave me half
  Summer winter cold do not know never thought about the bitterness of life
  Have had how much regret all smiling relieved
  Whether love is to be fraulently
  But will not repent
  No extra or dinary dazzling brilliance
  Iunder stand your sense where others can not be replaced
  Even if sometime sadash of unhappiness you soon put aside
  Although the waves are very plain and do not have much think time is too slow
  How short life is life obstacles
  Has lost three-fifths of
  How much looking forward to how many arrangements
  The past when the dream pick it up
  The young tie him helplessly old
  Life repeating the cycle of cause and effect
  Figure who always stalwart
  I chose what future
  No matter how your heart uneasy
  Finally gave up indignation
  I believe that I have been able to afford on their own
  Even always particularly bad temper
  Even complain all day discontent
  But how can not give up
  This lonely harbour
  The young tie him helplessly old
  Life repeating the cycle of cause and effect
  Figure who always stalwart
  Your life gave me half of your love gave me half
  Summer winter cold do not know never thought about the bitterness of life
  Have had how much regretall smiling relieved
  Thank you for allowing me to be the happiest child
  Thank you for your love
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