发布时间:2022-12-17 11:54
时间:2023-10-08 04:16
集合名词(英语:Collective noun或者nouns of assemblage)是语言学上的一个专有名词,意指一种可用来指称一群对象的字,而这些对象,可以是人、动物、或是一群概念等事物。举例来说,在英语中,“一群狮子”可称为"a pride of lions",此时的`"pride"就是一个集合名词。
一群小狗:a litter of puppies
一群牛:a herd of cattle / a yoke of oxen(oxen是ox的复数形式)
一群苍蝇:a swarm of flies
一群兔子:a nest of rabbits
一群狼:a pack of wolves
一群鲸鱼:a school of whales
一群羊:a flock of sheep
一束葡萄:a bunch of grapes
一束花:a bunch of flowers
一条珍珠项链:a string of pearls
一堆星星:a cluster of stars
一行阶梯:a flight of steps
一堆箭:a sheaf of arrows
一副扑克:a pack of cards / a batch of cards
一堆汽车:a fleet of cars
一列车队或船队:a fleet of cars / a fleet of ships
一套高尔夫球棒:a set of golf clubs(不同打法要用不同的球棒)
一群劳工:a gang of labourers
一群演员:a company of actors / a troupe of actors
一群水手:a crew of sailors
一群佣人:a staff of servants
一群士兵:a squadron of soldiers / a troop of soldiers / a squad of soldiers / a detail of soldiers / a party of soldiers (都指一群士兵,要根据兵种及兵团大小来选择不同的量词)