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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 12:25



热心网友 时间:2023-08-02 23:04




SSK真正的发展是起源于英国的爱丁堡大学。我们知道休谟是爱丁堡的,SSK在某种程度上也继承了休谟的传统。我最近看了一个材料,上面说SSK的起源有一个特殊的背景。当时*讨论两种文化之争,最后的结果是跟英国首相合作,对科学本身进行研究,找了一批有自然科学背景的人物,包括Barnes、Bloor等。当时起了一个题目就叫“Science Study”。非常有趣的是,30年过去以后,他这一套思想又回到了起点。这里三个重要的人物可以简称BBC,就是Barnes、Bloor和Coollins。其中Barnes和Bloor属于创始性人物,Coollins则是巴斯学派的首领人物。现在SSK在世界上影响最大的就是Collins。他写的论文最多,影响也最大。还有一个代表人物是Mulkay,他跟后现代也有一定关系。英国SSK起源以后,马上影响到法国。法国有个重要人物,就是巴黎高等矿业大学的Latour。Latour当时是一个年轻的哲学工作者,他受到SSK的启发,70年代到美国做了一项关于人类学的调查工作。他到了美国西海岸圣地亚哥非常有名的一个研究所。他在那里做了2年多的工作,主要任务就是把科学家当动物一样进行观察,观察结果写了一本书,名字叫《实验室生活》,这本书已经成为这一领域的一部名著,奠定了巴黎学派的基础。Latour本人英语不太好,他是跟英国一个学者合作写成这本书的。

Although the sociology of scientific knowledge has nearly 30 years of history, but the subject is still unfamiliar in the country may be. Compared with other relevant disciplines, this area is relatively slow introction. This phenomenon itself is worthy of study. In general, other subjects will be reached in about 10 years in China, but sociology of scientific knowledge to this evening than 20 years. While in the 1990s the country has introced some sporadic, but also within the overall gap. Since the beginning of the new century, the beginning of the large-scale introction of this subject. Today, I speak only in the discipline for the content of the introctory overview, which also raised several questions, but because of time constraints, it is impossible to do here very detailed answer. Sociology of scientific knowledge on the relationship between science and sociology, say they include a relationship. Scientific sociology included two parts. Sociology is part of the traditional science, sociology of science is also called American Mo school, which in 70, 80 years in orthodox status, and its leaders who had won the U.S. presidential science Mo Award, a medal that Gore made to him. However, the origins in Edinburgh school of sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) has it achieved the dominant position, especially in the 1990s this phenomenon is very evident. Recent progress on this subject, we bid farewell to Army Nankai University Dr. write a synthesis of the works, this book introced SSK some comprehensive theory and practice literature is very complete. Also this book is a study of three tiers, as he himself said, this book is "how can I see SSK science." Domestic disciplines are currently doing large-scale introction of this. Next I began to speak SSK origin. Mentioned here is very broad, it may not correct. SSK predecessor very complex, according to Bloor and Barnes stresses that such thinking can be traced back to the 19th century, when Germany, Dr. Kan schools have a "Church series history" that should be orthodox thinking and unorthodox ideas are given fair treatment. SSK advocates think that they have inspired, but I personally think that this is their later find out, that is, they made their own disciplines later returned to find corroboration predecessors there. The second is the old predecessor knowledge sociology. We know that knowledge of philosophy and sociology more concentrated flavor, but the color of a concept, philosophy and sociology of the European integration proct. It in the 19th century 20, 30 years later developed on the stalled. They thought the United States Mo statistical nature, and macro operation of the scientific community for a dominant position. SSK is inherited something of the old knowledge sociology, and the same thing against the United States. It is a source of scientific philosopher Kuhn wrote in 1962 a pamphlet that the "scientific revolution in the structure." This booklet sold millions of copies in the United States, one of the few philosophical works to sell this book, which is a very surprising phenomenon. Now what people are used Kuhn's theory that Kuhn is anxious that people often misunderstood him. Kuhn in the 1980s particularly in a speech criticized SSK that my views with you the fundamental understanding are two different things. Another source is the philosophy of Wittgenstein late. Wittgenstein himself created two philosophical system is a logical Yuanzilun, and the other was his subsequent philosophical study. SSK claim to be inspired by some of the Wittgenstein, but it was also said that they have misinterpreted Wittgenstein perspective. But whatever is being misinterpreted - or at least its SSK played a catalytic role, particularly Bloor affected by relatively large. Finally is a source of science against traditional philosophy. Traditional scientific philosophy is the logical empiricism and critical rationalism. SSK that these orthodox scientific description of the philosophy of science has brought people the wrong impression, too idealistic description is problematic. SSK genuine development is the origin of the Edinburgh University in Britain. We know Edinburgh is off Jammu, SSK has succeeded to some extent on state tradition. I recently read a material, the origin of the above-said SSK have a special background. Snow then discuss two cultures struggle, the final outcome is cooperation with the British Prime Minister to the scientific study itself, to find a number of natural background figures, including Barnes, Bloor. Then played a subject called "Science Study." Very interestingly, in the past 30 years, he thought back to the starting point of this set. Here, three important figures may be referred BBC is Barnes, Bloor and Coollins. These are seminal figures Barnes and Bloor, Coollins is accompanying school leaders figure. SSK greatest impact in the world now is Collins. He wrote up the papers, and had the greatest impact. Another representative is Mulkay, he also has a certain relationship with the postmodern. British SSK origin after immediately affect France. France is an important figure is higher mining Paris University Latour. Latour was a young philosophy workers, he was inspired SSK, the 1970s to the United States made a decision on the anthropological investigation. He Santiago to the west coast of the United States a very famous Institute. Where he has done two years of work, the main task is to observe the same animal when scientists, observations wrote a book named "living laboratory", this book has become a masterpiece in the field, laid the foundation for the Paris school. Latour I English is not good enough, he is a scholar with the British cooperation from this book.




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