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formal english求救 高分!! 答对了 加分

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-31 22:33



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 00:35

格式: 序号 expressions - 哪里找到 - 口语化

1) References available upon request - CV上找到 -Let me know if you need references
2) No refund without receipts - 商店cashier - we don't provide refund if the receipt is not with you
3) Keep safe for future reference - 收据上 - make sure you don't lose it in case that you get problems with your purchasing in the future
4) indecent assaults - 学校的安全警告email里 - terrible events
5) Terms and conditions - 合同上 - contract
6) Acceptance by conct - law的书上 - if you have done it, it's assumed that you've accepted it.
7) Here the rule would apply - law书上 - the rule would take effect here
8) Do not attempt more than 3 questions - 考卷上 - don't answer more than 3 questions
9) Termination of the procere - 忘了,好像医院网站上 - stop the cure
10) extenuating circumstances - 学校网站上关于特殊情况 - very special reasons
11) fulfillment of contract - law书上 - fulfilling the contract
12) Not refundable - 打折商品上 - you may not get the refund
13)Building will be immediately evacuated - 火警安全须知 - everyone is asked to leave the building
14)Lost property - 失物招领处。。 - stuff that people left by mistake
15)Give 1 month's notice before .. - 忘了,很多地方都有比如工作合同上关于辞职。。 - inform us one month in advance

特点: 1)often (formal) nouns used; 2)formal verbs used instead of casual words; 3)formal phrases used; 4)proper prep. usage; 5)passive voice used; etc...

Hope this is of some help! Cheers! :)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 00:35

下面全是formal english in business

abandonment charge 背弃 费用
absolute par of exchange 绝对 外汇 平价
abritrage rate 套汇 汇率
above par 超过 票面 价值
acceptance commission 承兑 手续费
acceptance fee 认付费
acceptance for honor 参加 承兑
acceptance house 期票 承兑行
acceptor for honor 参加 承兑人
accepting bank 承兑 银行
accepting charge 承兑费
accident beyond control 非人为 事故
account payable 应收帐,应付 未付帐
account purchase 赊买
account receivable 应收 帐款,应收 未收帐
account sales 销货帐,销货 清单
account of goods sold 销货 帐目
account of receipts and payments 收支 帐目
account year 会计 年度
accounting statement 会计 报表
accounting unit 会计 单位
accrued expense 应计 费用
accrued item 应计 项目
accumulation of capital 资本 积累
acknowledgement 回单
acknowledgement of orders 订单 确认
act of God 天灾
acting manager 代理 经理
active demand 畅销
actual cost 实际 成本
actual liabilities 实际 负债
actual price 实际价
additional expense 追加 费用
additional order 追加 订货
additional premium 追加 保费
adjustment of exchange rate 调整 汇价
advalorem ty 从价税
advance in price 涨价
advance payment 预付款
advance price 增价
advance sample 预样
advance settlement of exchange 预交 外汇
advance surrender of export exchange 预交 出口 外汇
advice of arrival 到货 通知
advice of charge 付款 通知书
advice of shipment 货运 通知
advice of drawing 支票 通知书
advising bank (notifying bank) 通知 银行
advertisement matter 广告 邮件
advertising agency 广告社、广告 代理
advertising expense 广告费
advertising media 广告 媒体
affiliated company 附属 公司,联盟 公司
after charge 附加 费率
after date 日后,*后
after sight 见票后 照付
affidavit of export 出口 宣誓书
A grade 甲级(货品)
against all risks 保全险
agency agreement 代理 协议
agency contract 代理 契约
agent service 代理 服务
agreed upon 同意,商定
agricultural procts 农产品
air-borne goods 空运 货物
air freight 航空 运费
air mail 航空 邮件
air-mail service 航空 运寄
air transportation insurance 空运 保险
all risk 全险
all round price 包括 一切 费用 价格
all sorts of goods in stock 各种 货物 齐备

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