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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-02 22:08



热心网友 时间:2023-06-17 14:48

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴Traffic engineering and other professional training with knowledge of traffic engineering and system planning, design and control, can engage in transportation planning at the national and provincial and municipal development planning department, transportation planning and design department, engineering units, traffic management departments, traffic engineering building and construction, traffic engineering, traffic control systems and other aspects of the development work of the senior engineering and technical personnel. The students mainly study systems engineering, basic theory and basic knowledge of traffic engineering aspects of the subject knowledge map drawing, the machine operator, engineering surveying, engineering takes basic training budget for traffic control infrastructure planning, design and engineering projects evaluation of basic skills. Graates should acquire the following knowledge and abilities: 1. Traffic engineering disciplines to master the basic theory, basic knowledge; 2. Master the basic techniques of systems engineering general analysis method and system control; 3. Having transportation planning, traffic engineering design and initial capacity traffic control system development; 4. Master transportation construction and related knowledge management, to engage in transportation construction project management, supervision and other related work in engineering units; 5. Master document retrieval, basic method, with preliminary scientific research and practical work.
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