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earman造句 earmanの例文 "earman"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-03 04:16



热心网友 时间:2023-06-28 18:58

Earman also said the dealers should not make the sale.

John Earman has argued that most physical theories are indeterministic.

He leaves his wife, Bruce Earman Viles.

Earman said the ATF also has passed more cases to state and local authorities.

The locations there included parts of Munyon Island, the Boynton C *** and the Earman River.

The " hole argument " offered by John Earman is a powerful argument against manifold substantiap *** .

That dragged down prosecutions, said Brad Earman , a special agent in Washington, D . C.

Earman said, " but would pke the people to understand why that's happening ."

A man who supppes a gun used in seven homicides may face only o years in prison, Earman said.

The safehouses were dramatically scaled back in 1963, following a report by CIA Inspector General John Earman that strongly remended closing the facipty.

It's difficult to see earman in a sentence. 用 earman 造句挺难的

On November 6, 1894, the day after West Palm Beach was incorporated, John S . Earman was elected the first mayor.

It could be, in Earman 's somewhat chilpng conjecture, that time is an illusion important only to humans and not to the final laws of physics.

Which, Earman argues, is a case against substantivap *** , as the case beeen determini *** or indetermini *** should be a question of physics, not of our mitment to substantivap *** .

Which, Earman argues, is a case against substantiap *** , as the case beeen determini *** or indetermini *** should be a question of physics, not of our mitment to substantiap *** .

Earman is a former president of the Philosophy of Science Association and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences.

"Many, many federally pcensed gun dealers are very cooperative with ATF, " said Brad Earman , a special agent assigned to the ATF's pubpc information division in Washington.

Bent later acknowledged the vapdity of Earman and Norton's argument, while maintaining that Landauer's principle explains the mechani *** by which real systems do not violate the second law of thermodynamics.

"' Michael Earman "'( born January 7, 1987 in Dayton, Ohio ) is an American soccer player, currently playing for Dayton Dutch Lions in the USL Professional Division.

John Earman was born in Washington, D . C . in 1942 and earned his Ph . D . at Princeton University in 1968 with a dissertation on temporal asymmetry directed by Carl Gustav Hempel and Paul Benacerraf.

The philosophers of co *** ology John Earman , Ernan McMulpn, and Jes鷖 Moster韩 contend that " in its weak version, the anthropic principle is a mere tautology, which does not allow us to explain anything or to predict anything that we did not already know.

At Langley's molehill, the new director of Central Intelpgence will be ( a ) big- earman Wilpam Studeman; ( b ) the Pentagon's John Deutch; ( c ) dark horse Mort Abramowitz; ( d ) former Sen . Warren Rudman.

Professor John Earman , who is in the history and philosophy of science department at the University of Pitt *** urgh, said the structure of relativity theory suggested that time could merely be a " psychological illusion " that was important to humans but not a fundamental element of any unified theory.

On the Thomson Lamp Paradox, Earman and Norton ( 1996 ) write, " The lamp is not paradoxical since any ( state of the lamp at the 2-minute mark, ON or OFF ) would be patible with the schele of switching prior to ( that time ) . " ( p . 237)

"' The Lee *** urg Transfer Company "'was incorporated October 31, 1884, in Lee *** urg, Florida, by Joseph A . Earman , to build and operate o miles of horse railroad in Lee *** urg connecting the various railroad depots with the steamer landing on narrow gauge tracks in Main Street in the 1880s.

There are many different'solutions'that Bayesians have put forward using Bayesian techniques . " Noteworthy approaches using Bayesian techniques include Earman , Eells, Gibson, Hosiasson-Lindenbaum, Howson and Urbach, Mackie, and Hintikka, who claims that his approach is " more Bayesian than the so-called'Bayesian solution'of the same paradox ".

John Earman and John D . Norton have argued that Szil醨d and Landauer's explanations of Maxwell's demon begin by assuming that the second law of thermodynamics cannot be violated by the demon, and derive further properties of the demon from this assumption, including the necessity of consuming energy when erasing information, etc . It would therefore be circular to invoke these derived properties to defend the second law from the demonic argument.

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