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求一篇高中英语作文 各位帮帮忙 李华,16岁高中生,给餐馆写一份求职信

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-01 13:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 08:05

Application LetterDear Sir or Madam: My name is Li Hua, I got the news in the newspaper that your restaurant would employ waiter and I am eager to be employed. From my inner aspect, I think I would be perfectly competent in this position for my persistence and fortitude in working. In addtion, I have previously worked for another restaurant--Filey Restaurant, where I got highly praised by the boss. With such experience, I convince that I could deal well with any situation and emergency at this position. In my families' consideration, your restaurant is not too far away from home, and this would save me a lot of time, ring which I would have more time to take care of my mother. So as to the time when I could get into my position, I think it would be accurately available immediately after my summer holiday starts. Thank you for your consideration of my application, hope to hear you soon! Sincerely Yours, Li Hua

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 08:05

Dear Sir My name is LiHua,a senior student,16 year old.I got the news in the newspaper that your restaurant would employ waiter.I am need to be employed. I can work for you,I have work experience,last year,I worked for Filey Restaurant,where I got highly praised by the boss.In my home consideration,your restaurant is not too far away from home,That would save me a lot of time,ring which I would have more time to take care of my mother. I can able to immeditely after my summer holiday starts.Thank you fou your consideration of my application.I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours LiHua
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