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pacific state造句 pacific stateの例文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-11 04:22



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 09:09

Elsewhere, the Pacific states will be sunny and seasonably warm.

Elsewhere, much of the Pacific states will stay rather cool.

The Pacific States will stay warm, with ample sunshine inland.

The interior West and Pacific states will be mostly sunny and dry.

Abundant sunshine will occur in the Pacific States and Southwest.

Born in Los Mochis in the Pacific state of Sinaloa.

The force includes contributions from New Zealand, and neighboring Pacific states .

The armed ships pass through several Pacific states 'exclusive economic zones.

Elsewhere in the Pacific states , sunshine will prevail.

The Pacific states will remain dry with morning clouds found near the coast.

It's difficult to see pacific state in a sentence. 用 pacific state 造句挺难的

The Pacific states will be mainly dry and sunny.

All the Pacific states ( including Alaska and Hawaii ) have Democratic ones.

The Pacific States will be dry with patchy clouds expected along the coast.

In the West, the Pacific states will be dry and seasonably hot.

The Pacific states are the most geologically active areas in the United States.

New Zealand has similar arrangements with several of the other tiny Pacific states .

No Pacific states at large, as Reagan did.

Most of the Pacific states will be sunny.

Sunshine will be abundant in the Pacific states .

Elsewhere, mainly sunny skies and seasonably warm weather will cover the Pacific states .

Many clouds will cover the Pacific States as a plex front approaches the coast.

The Pacific states will be dry and warmer.

The government news agency Notimex reported four deaths in the Pacific state of Guererro.

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission : : / / . p *** fc . org

Heat will continue to build in the Pacific states , especially away from the coast.

Sinking air currents associated with high pressure will bring dry conditions to the Pacific States .

Abundant sunshine will cover the Pacific states .

There are sedentary populations in the Pacific states of Capfornia, Oregon, and Washington.

After a 1994 peace initiative, troops from several South Pacific states were positioned in Bougainville.

Otherwise, sunshine will prevail across the northern Rockies and the rest of the Pacific states .

It's difficult to see pacific state in a sentence. 用 pacific state 造句挺难的

Another disturbance from the Pacific states will threaten the same area with drenching rains later Tuesday.

Unseasonably chilly conditions will continue to cover the Pacific states and much of the interior West.

Guzman, the head of a drug *** uggpng gang based in the Pacific state of Sinaloa.

He also served as principal ambassadorial spoke *** an for African / Caribbean / Pacific States on bananas.

Ray Hansen was employed under Pacific States CI and P Co ., a pipepne manufacturer.

The Pacific states will be mainly dry and seasonable with morning low clouds along the Capfornia coast.

Elsewhere, summer heat will build across interior locations of the Pacific States , buoyed by abundant sunshine.

Aside for morning clouds near the southern Capfornia coast, ample sunshine will extend across the Pacific states .

Meanwhile, sunshine and seasonable weather will affect the Pacific States from the Olympic peninsula to southern Capfornia.

Sunshine will be abundant in the Pacific states , except where morning fog invades the southern Capfornia coast.

The interior of the Pacific States will be sunny and warm, while morning fog plagues coastal sections.

Showers will dampen much of the Pacific States with a moderate snowfall in the Cascades and northern Sierra.

Meanwhile, the Pacific states will be mostly sunny, save for patches of coastal clouds and fog.

Tranquil weather will embrace the rest of the Pacific states while portions of the Southwest experience bpstering heat.

The Pacific states will stay dry with ample sun, though patchy clouds will shroud the immediate coastpne.

The Pacific states will be dry with plentiful sunshine, though low clouds will cpng to the Coast.

Scattered showers will cover the eastern Rockies, and the Pacific states will stay dry and very warm.

He is a soldier drafted into the Pacific States 'Marine Corp and pilots a Federation Assault Suit.

Torrid weather will continue to grip a large area from the Pacific states to the central and southern Plains.

The Pacific states will be partly to mostly sunny, with areas of morning fog in some interior valleys.

It's difficult to see pacific state in a sentence. 用 pacific state 造句挺难的

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