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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-11 00:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 17:21








作品分析The Sound and the Fury

The Sound and the Fury is William Faulkner's best novel. Here is "a tale/Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury/Signifying nothing."There is enough despair and nihilism but not much love and emotion in this sad story of the Compsons.Mr.Compson is disenchanted with life and the society he lives in. Unable to find meaning in the moral verities he was brought up with, he escapes into alcoholism and cynicism. Mrs. Compson is spiritually effete and has little love to spare for her children. Of the four children,Caddy is the only one capable of loving, but she loses her virginity.The youngest brother, Benjy, is an idiot, a curse on the family. Another, Quentin, lives in the ideal world of his youth with his dreams of love, honor, and integrity, and,when he fails to keep off the intrusion of the "loud, harsh world".he destroys himself. The life of the eldest brother,Jason,is empty and meaningless. Love is alien to him, and so are other traditional humanistic values.

The Sound and the Fury tells a story of deterioration from the past to the present. The past is idealized to forn striking contrast with the loveless present. There is in the book an acute feeling of nostalgia toward the happy past, Quentins section offers a good illustration. A miserable creature in the modern world, Quentin frequently casts a backward glance at the time of his childhood when life was innocent, romantic, and secure. He just cannot bring himself to come to terms with the present which is, to him, purposeless, futile. and devoid of the values which make life worth living. His suicide offers an example of a complete negation of the present. In a sense, Quentin's value system may represent Faulkner's own idea of an ideal way of life,that of an ante-bellum society. The fact that Benjy's section begins the book is not a haphazard arrangement on the part of the author, for it is Benjy who feels most keenly the loss of love. Benjy lives on the emotional support of love. Although an idiot with no sense of time, he knows who loves him best. When caddy is gone, his world of love vanishes with her, and nobody can take her place. not even Dilsey.Thus this section helps to dramatize the theme of loss from the very beginning of the story. With the story of Jason whose life embodies all the vices of the modern world, the contrast between the ante-bellum society and the present one is brought out in the most poignant manner possible.The triumph of rationalism over feeling and compassion is best illustrated in this sterile and loveless indivial.
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