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she is the sunlight歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-07 12:51



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 05:47

- She is the Sunlight -
Trading Yesterday

If all the flowers faded away
And if all the storm clouds decided to stay
Then you would find me each hour the same
She is tomorrow and I am today

And if right is leaving I'd rather be wrong
She is the sunlight and the sun is gone

If loving her is a heartache for me
And if holding her means that I have to bleed
Then I am the martyr and love is to blame
She is the healing and I am the pain
She lives in a daydream where I don't belong
She is the sunlight and the sun is gone

And if right is leaving I'd rather be wrong
She is the sunlight and the sun is gone
She is the sunlight and the sun is gone


Lei, è la luce del sole

Se tutti i fiori perdessero il loro colore
E tutte le nubi della tempesta decidessero di rimanere
Mi troveresti ogni ora come fossi lo stesso
Lei è il domani e io sono l'oggi

E se il giusto se ne sta andando sto per sbagliare
Lei è la luce del sole e il sole se n'è andato

Se amarla è come spezzare il mio cuore
Se stringendola è come sanguinare
Io sono il martire e l'amore è la colpa
Lei è la guarigione e io la pena
Lei vive in un sogno ad occhi aperti a cui non appartengo

E se il giusto se ne sta andando sto per sbagliare
Lei è la luce del sole e il sole se n'è andato


热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 05:48

she is the sunlight

If all the flowers faded away
And if all the storm clouds decided to stay
Then you would find me
Each hour the same
She is tomorrow
And I am today

If right is leaving
I'd rather be wrong
She is sunlight
The sun is gone

And if loving her is
Is a heartache for me
And if holding her means
I have to bleed
Then I am the martyr
Love is to blame
She is the healing
And I the pain

She lives in a daydream.
I don't belong.
She is the sunlight.
The sun is gone.

I said if right is leaving
I'd rather be wrong.
She is the sunlight,
The sun is gone.
She is the sunlight,
The sun is gone.


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