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关於传统文化与全球化英语短文 200词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-22 23:15



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 07:53

  With the fast pace of globalization, the whole world has become a global village with combination of different cultures. What are the reasons for losing a variety of languages and cultures? Think of some solution to alleviate the problem.
  范文参考 1:
  The progression of globalization is inevitable and undeniable. It has been widely noted that many of the world's languages and cultures are dying out. To seek the solution, we should take a closer look at the causes first.
  Most important of all is the objective reason. The essence of globalization is commercialization and centralization. It is convenient in communication that some prevalent languages and cultures have its predominance, which makes superior of the senior and inferiority of the junior. That leads to deterioration of some minors. These languages and cultures will be overlooked and devalued until they completely die out.
  As concave and convex sides of a nutshell, it has subjective reason. With the burgeoning of some VIPs, many migrants have swarmed into the dreamlands e to economic drive and stimulation, meanwhile engaged in local culture perspective and discarding their native languages and cultures as a 'betrayal'.
  Hence this is a problem which must be solved as soon as possible. We should remind the world of versatility of the minor cultures through popular media such as music, artifacts or historical heritage, thus renovating the music festivals artistic activities and museums. In addition, let more people, especially the young men, use their own language.
  Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing. We make the purpose, to prevent losing world's cultural and linguistic diversity. "This way a long, tapering, strip of bark can be peeled up to the length of the tree, leaving the tree to heal and continue to grow," says the United Nations Environment Programme Report.
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