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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-23 05:19



热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 04:55

Hello, I am on ty today is. Today is Thursday, October 16, (today is Monday, October 19) the weather of today is very good, and soon came to a new solar, frost's descent. In the north, this time should be cold weather, but still see in hainan, hainan perhaps only slightly a little cool, but also may still very hot, in this season of 1,500-year, sick easily, hope the classmates attention clothing, don't catch cold.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 04:56

hi ,good morning everyone. today i am on ty. it is on tursday of octber 16. the weather is fine, and after days the new time of the year, Frost's Descent is coming. in the north,the weather will get cold,but it is different in hainan where just get cool, however might be hot. in the turn of the seasons , it is easy to get ill.so hope classes look after yourselves and don't catch a cold

热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 04:56

hi, everyone, Today is my ty. Today is Thursday, October 16th, (today is Monday, October 19 Good), today the weather very good, another soon to a new solar terms, frost. In the north, this time the weather should be cold, but still do not see in Hainan, Hainan may be only slightly cool a bit, but it may still be very hot in this season of alternating cold and warm, it is easy to fall sick, hoping the attention of students to wear clothes, do not catch cold in.
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