发布时间:2022-12-27 18:28
时间:2023-10-20 21:07
1. Move It
Quick -- what's the No. 1 thing you can do for your brain's health? Differential calculus
you say? Chess? Chaos theory? Nope
the best brain sharpener may be ... sneakers? Yup. Once they're on your feet
you can pump up your heart rate. "The best advice I can give to keep your brain healthy and young is aerobic exercise
" says Donald Stuss
a neuropsychologist and director of the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care in Toronto.1、 坚持运动保持大脑健康的头号要事是啥?你认为是各种数学计算、象棋呢?还是诸如混沌理论之类的东西?不,使大脑聪慧的最佳砺石或许要数走步。事实确实是这样,一旦迈开脚步,心脏有节率的搏动也会随之增强。公共卫生博士,神经心理学家,多伦多贝克雷思特老年医学关怀中心罗德曼研究院院长唐纳德·斯塔斯说:“要保持大脑年青、健康,有氧运动是我能提出的最好建议。”
2. Feed It
Another path to a better brain is through your stomach. We've all heard about antioxidants as cancer fighters. Eating foods that contain these molecules
which neutralize harmful free radicals
may be especially good for your brain too. Free radicals have nothing to do with Berkeley politics and everything to do with breaking down the neurons in our brains. Many colorful fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants
as are some beans
whole grains
nuts and spices.2、合理饮食胃口是使你的头脑更聪明的另一途径。我们都听到过抗氧化剂是抗癌斗士的说法。食用含有这类分子的食物,可中和体内有害的自由基,同时也对你的大脑特别有益。自由基成事不足,败事有余,它只会破坏我们的大脑神经元。许多颜色鲜艳的水果、蔬菜都富含抗氧化剂,此外某些豆类、全谷、坚果和香料也富含抗氧化剂。
3. Speed It Up
Sorry to say
our brains naturally start slowing down at the cruelly young age of 30 (yes
30). It used to be thought that this couldn't be helped
but a barrage of new studies show that people of any age can train their brains to be faster and
in effect
younger. "Your brain is a learning machine
" says Michael Merzenich
a neuroscientist at the University of California
San Francisco. Given the right tools
we can train our brains to act like they did when we were younger. All that's required is dedicated practice: exercises for the mind.3、健脑益智天不作美,大脑的运转速度在我们相当年青(大约30岁)时便自然而然地开始放慢,这听起来真令人于心不安。通常人们认为对此确实是爱莫能助,但一系列的研究表明,任何年龄段的人都能通过训练使其大脑变得反映更快,更有效,更年青。“你的大脑是一部学习机,”旧金山美国加州大学的老年医学、神经学家迈克尔·梅策尼希说,“只要方法对头,就可以把我们的大脑训练得如同年青时那样灵光,需要的只是潜心而持续的思维训练和实践。”
4. Stay Calm
So you may be saying to yourself
I have to sign up right now for Swahili and calculus and accordion lessons before my brain withers away! Stop! Breathe. Relax. Good.4、从容不迫你若从上所述,也许会奋然起意,决定在大脑萎谢之前就立即行动进来,开始外语学习、数*算和手风琴课程之类的科目。打住!你最好还是保持从容不迫,气定神闲为佳。
5. Give It a Rest
Perhaps the most extreme example of the mental power of staying calm is the creative benefit of sleep. Next time you're working on a plex problem
whether it be a calculus proof or choosing the right car for your family
it really pays to "sleep on it."5、 睡眠充足也许最极端的例子要数睡眠,它能使精神活动保持在最安静的状态,使大脑受益最大,当你随后面临复杂问题,无论是做数学论证还是为你的家庭选择一款恰当的轿车之时,就会觉得为此而睡了一个好觉真的值得。
6. Laugh a Little
Humor stimulates the parts of our brain that use the "feel good" chemical messenger dopamine. That puts laughter in the category of activities you want to do over and over again
such as eating chocolate or having sex. Laughter is pleasurable
perhaps even "addictive
" to the brain.6、常笑常乐幽默能激发我们大脑里某些部分摄取具有愉悦功能的化学信息物质多巴胺。在做那些喜爱做的事时,多巴胺使人笑由心生,而且乐于一次又一次地、重复地去做,例如,吃巧克力和 *** 。笑是如此地令人愉悦,甚至可能使大脑上瘾。
7. Get Better With Age
In our youth-obsessed culture
no one's suggesting a revision to the Constitution allowing 20-year-olds to run for President. The age requirement remains at 35. You've heard about the wisdom and judgment of older people? Scientists are starting to understand how wisdom works on a neurological level.7、年长智增即使在我们这个崇尚以青年为重心的文化氛围里,也不会有人建议*允许20来岁的年青人竞选总统,要年满35岁的人才有竞选资格。