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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-28 16:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 15:01

Que Sera - Justice Crew
At the end of the day

Some you win, some you don't

So I'm glad that I'm here

With some friends that I know

Always there with a smile

Saying you're not alone

Singing la la la la
Que Sera

(Oh, here we go ya'll)
Yesterday is history, oh

You gotta get through it

Tomorrow is a mystery so

Let's just do it

And even when the rain falls
You and I, will stand tall

No matter what you go through
I'll never leave you

So you gotta be strong strong

Live by the words of the song song
Together is where we belong long

Never stop dreaming

Keep holdin' on

At the end of the day

Some you win, some you don't

So I'm glad that I'm here

With some friends that I know

Always there with a smile

Saying you're not alone

Singing la la la la
Que Sera

When it's been a long day
Had enough, givin' up it ain't ok

We don't care what the world say
We spread love it's the only way
So you gotta be strong strong

Live by the words of the song song
Together is where we belong long

Never stop dreaming

Keep holdin' on

At the end of the day
Some you win, some you don't

So I'm glad that I'm here
With some friends that I know

Always there with a smile

Saying you're not alone

Singing la la la la

Que Sera

We keep falling but the

World keeps spinning and I

Might stop winning
Just as long as I got you by my side

We keep falling but the
World keeps spinning and I

Might stop winning
But I know that we're gonna be alright

At the end of the day
Some you win, some you don't

So I'm glad that I'm here

With some friends that I know

Always there with a smile

Saying you're not alone

Singing la la la la
Que Sera

At the end of the day
Some you win, some you don't

So I'm glad that I'm here
With some friends that I know

Always there with a smile

Saying you're not alone

Singing la la la la
Que Sera

At the end of the day
Some you win, some you don't

So I'm glad that I'm here

With some friends that I know

Always there with a smile

Saying you're not alone

Singing la la la la
Que Sera

At the end of the day

Some you win, some you don't

So I'm glad that I'm here
With some friends that I know
Always there with a smile

Saying you're not alone

Singing la la la la
Que Sera

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 15:01

Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 15:02

可能是All by myself吧
Celine Dion的
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