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childs play SZA Chance The 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-28 14:22



热心网友 时间:2023-09-09 03:41

《Childs Play》歌词:
[Proced by XXYYXX and Dae One]
[Verse 1: SZA]
Ripping the heads off all my Barbie dolls
Toss them to the side, give them convertibles
Click vroom, I like the way it rides up
Ken had it all, Skipper wanted more than
Watching from the sidelines, wish that she had it
She wish that she had it
Here in your backyard, building a fantasy
Fuck reality, do you want to know, know me
Do you want to know me?
Stuck in Nintendo, you're the controller
Street Fighters and such
I yelled finish him
(Down goes Frazier)
I yelled, finish him
Come Desdemona
Othello the tragedies
Shakespearean sorrows
Where do I begin?
Where do we begin?

[Verse 2: Chance The Rapper]
I got L's on my record
Weed on the vinyl
Keys open doors when them keys is albino
Now knock on my door when my stars is a Lionel
I've been fishing for a minute for a minnow
Only I know that a pawn is a trade
And a rookie for a castle like tuition for a final
Playing hooky for a tassel, spend a minute on the minor
Winds on my window
Ash on my skin, when the record low temps for the wind blow
Only write rhythm to the tardiest of tempos
Only ride shotgun when the car is a limo
Y'ar see
I crowd surf in a cypher
Scuba in my shower, take an Uber to my neighbors
Used to pay the piper, till peter picked it better
Now the first thing you should tell is where the hell is all the paper
But memories keep coming back
All the nights that we used to laugh
Wanna know how I used to was, how I used to was

[Outro: SZA and Chance the Rapper] (x5)
Memories keep playing back, all the nights we used to love
Just wondering how we used to was, how we used to was
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