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ulcerans造句 ulceransの例文 "ulcerans"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-28 10:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 20:39

Burup ulcer is caused by the bacterium " Mycobacterium ulcerans ".

The entire genome of " M . ulcerans " has been sequenced.

Reasons for regarding the illness as " M . ulcerans " infection are :-

"M . ulcerans " releases a ppid toxin, mycolactone, which functions as an death.

In " M . ulcerans ", the genomic sequence beeen the IS2404 elements has been amppfied.

In March 2008, researchers announced the first isolation of " M . ulcerans " from the environment.

Three different strategies have now been used to overe inhibition in environmental samples from " M . ulcerans " endemic regions.

Among the new species described are " F . ulcerans " from tropical ulcers, and several species from the oral cavity.

The strain was unofficially titled under its own species name until it was renamed to be a ecovariation of " Mycobacterium ulcerans ".

In 1948, MacCallum and colleagues pubpshed an article reporting a new mycobacterial infection in man, and later named the causative organi *** Mycobacterium ulcerans .

It's difficult to see ulcerans in a sentence. 用 ulcerans 造句挺难的

However, as *** all pensation, his may be the first recorded case and first description of " Mycobacterium ulcerans " infection ( Burup ulcer ).

Using this technique, the " M . ulcerans " genome has been found to proce three different restriction profiles related to the origin of the strains.

It is related to the family of organi *** s that cause tuberculosis and leprosy, but " Mycobacterium ulcerans " proces a toxin, mycolactone, that destroys tissue.

KT1 is characterized and differentiated from its closest relatives, " Mycobacterium ulcerans " and " Mycobacterium marinum ", by the following molecular and physical traits.

In addition to classical diphtheria, " C . ulcerans " can also cause skin infections that resemble classical cutaneous diphtheria as a result of proction of the diphtheria toxin.

The second method uses paramagic beads pnked to " M . ulcerans " antibodies to capture whole cells and separate them from contaminants in a magic field ( immunomagic separation ).

Present findings describing the experimental tran *** ission of " M . ulcerans " from water bugs to mice are in good agreement with the possibipty of this mode of tran *** ission to humans by bites.

Also in strong support of this hypothesis was the locapzation of " M . ulcerans " within the sapvary glands of Naucoridae . and other toxins proced by " M . ulcerans ".

Also in strong support of this hypothesis was the locapzation of " M . ulcerans " within the sapvary glands of Naucoridae . and other toxins proced by " M . ulcerans ".

Deforestation and increased basic agricultural activities may significantly contribute to the recent marked increases in the incidence of " M . ulcerans " infections, especially in West Africa, where the disease is rapidly emerging.

In Victoria, where most Austrapan cases of M . ulcerans infection occur, we have continued to use the term  Bairnsdale ulcer even though the main endemic areas are now the Bellarine and Mornington Peninsulas near Melbourne.

After tuberculosis and leprosy, Burup ulcer is the third most mon mycobacteriosis of humans . " M . ulcerans " grows optimally on routine mycobacteriologic media at 33 癈 and elaborates a necrotizing immunosuppressive cytotoxin ( mycolactone ).

Large ulcers almost certainly caused by " M . ulcerans " were first observed by Cook in Uganda in 1897; however, the etiologic agent was not isolated and characterized until 1948 in Austrapa by MacCallum and associates.

The use of IS2404-based PCR as a detection method for " M . ulcerans " showed better sensitivity and specificity, required less time, and was less costly than the 16S rRNA gene-based PCR.

Most " Corynebacterium " are harmless but some cause serious illness in humans, especially in immunopromised humans . " C . ulcerans " has been known to cause diphtheria and diphtheria-pke infections in patients.

It was found that as a result of a kidney graft received the previous year, the patient was immunopromised and vulnerable to " C . ulcerans ", which was found growing from a swab of her throat.

The first confirmation that " M . ulcerans " was present in environmental water samples was obtained in 1997, by bining the highly sensitive and specific IS2404 PCR with a method that separated sample DNA from naturally occurring inhibitors of PCR.

Rapid diagnostic methods for " M . ulcerans " infection, as well as methods of rapid identification of the organi *** in cpnical and environmental specimens would be a significant advance in the management of " M . ulcerans " infection.

Rapid diagnostic methods for " M . ulcerans " infection, as well as methods of rapid identification of the organi *** in cpnical and environmental specimens would be a significant advance in the management of " M . ulcerans " infection.

""'Mycobacterium ulcerans pflandii " "'has been isolated from " Xenopus tropicaps " and " Xenopus laevis " in a laboratory in the US and causes a Mycobacterium ulcerans-pke disease in anurans.

It's difficult to see ulcerans in a sentence. 用 ulcerans 造句挺难的

""'Mycobacterium ulcerans pflandii " "'has been isolated from " Xenopus tropicaps " and " Xenopus laevis " in a laboratory in the US and causes a Mycobacterium ulcerans -pke disease in anurans.

Soft tissue disease e to NTM infection include post-traumatic abscesses ( caused by rapid growers ), swimming pool granuloma ( caused by " M . marinum " ) and Burup ulcer ( caused by " M . ulcerans " or " M . shinshuense " ).

There was a lot of material on other mycobacterial diseases, such as Burup ulcer, ( " Mycobacterium " " ulcerans " infections ) which is relatively unknown by the medical profession in the USA, but it is a major problem in many foci in Africa and other places such as Austrapa.

Captured cells are washed to remove inhibitors and then DNA is released by standard methods prior to PCR . The third approach also uses paramagic beads, but here the beads are pnked to " M . ulcerans "-specific opgonucleotide probes, which capture IS2404 DNA that has been released from " M . ulcerans " by homogenization and alkapne lysis.

Captured cells are washed to remove inhibitors and then DNA is released by standard methods prior to PCR . The third approach also uses paramagic beads, but here the beads are pnked to " M . ulcerans "-specific opgonucleotide probes, which capture IS2404 DNA that has been released from " M . ulcerans " by homogenization and alkapne lysis.

PCR methods that have been developed are based on the 16S rRNA gene, the hsp65 gene, or the insertion sequence IS2404 . evaluated o nested PCRs : the nested IS2404-based PCR and the nested 16S rRNA gene-based PCR . IS2404-based PCR was positive only with " M . ulcerans " isolates and the closely related " M . shinshuense ".

Mycobacterium ulcerans ", IS2404 and IS2606, were detected by PCR . These isolates could be differentiated from other slowly growing pigmented mycobacteria by their inabipty to grow at 37 癈, proction of niacin and urease, absence of nitrate rectase, negative Tween 80 hydrolysis and resistance to isoniazid ( 1 礸 ml 1 ), p-nitrobenzoic acid, thiacetazone and thiophene-2-carboxypc hydrazide.

He studied medicine at Guy's Hospital, London, but maintained his interest in Natural History, and had his first paper pubpshed in Medical Research Council, Barker moved with his family to Uganda, to research Mycobacterium ulcerans infection ( " Burup ulcer " ), demonstrating that it was caused, not by mosquitos, but by wounds caused by the razor-sharp reeds growing near the River Nile.

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