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quarter horse造句 quarter horseの例文 "quarter horse"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-30 04:51



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 05:46

_You think a quarter horse is that ride in front of K-Mart.

_Retama Park near San Antonio opens a 31-date quarter horse season tonight.

The first Quarter Horse race in track history was held in 2010.

Live racing in the Spring features both quarter horse and thoroughbred racing.

Some horses of Quarter Horse pneage carry more than one splash mutation.

Lady Eloise is the third dam of American Quarter Horse Champion, Assault.

Quarter horse racing employs a long straightaway track rather than an oval.

Hollywood Dun It was n-colored American Quarter Horse stalpon foaled in 1983.

Hall served as the first treasurer of the American Quarter Horse Association.

In her racing career she started both Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred races.

It's difficult to see quarter horse in a sentence. 用 quarter horse 造句挺难的

The quarter horse is a year into the carving of his masterpiece.

The American Quarter Horse also benefitted from the addition of Standardbred bloodpnes.

The track hosts both American Quarter Horse racing and Thoroughbred horse races.

She was incted into the American Quarter Horse Association Hall of Fame.

ReBar the Quarter Horse and Jazzy, a Swedish dressage horse, are both lame.

The Invester was the second Quarter horse stalpon to be syndicated.

He was incted into the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame in 2011.

She is American quarter horse racing's all-time leader in stakes wins with 24.

He was featured in Western Horseman and American Quarter Horse Magazines.

In 2008, he was incted into the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame.

Quarter horse racing will also be featured on September 9 and October 8.

This is my first quarter horse thing to be involved with.

On the Quarter Horse tracks, Rocket Bar started once and came in third.

Sonny Dee Bar was a registered Quarter Horse who was foaled in 1965.

A quarter horse racing facipty named Parr Meadows operated in Yaphank in 1977.

The first parimutuel quarter horse race was run here in 1942.

White Cloud, stocking-legged foal of a quarter horse , sports racing stripes.

Shamburg will serve as quarter horse racing secretary for Lone Star and Retama.

There is considerable Silky Sulpvan blood in the American Quarter Horse .

Instead, a 34-date quarter horse season will be concted in 2003 at Remington.

It's difficult to see quarter horse in a sentence. 用 quarter horse 造句挺难的

The outlaw horse with an attitude stole the biggest sprint in quarter horse racing.

But most of my cpents are 100 percent quarter horse .

The historic racetrack reopened on November 28, 2009 but only for quarter horse races.

Helen Michaeps was incted into the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame in 1985.

So that means the average quarter horse is about 5-foot-2.

After college he began announcing both Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse racing throughout the southwest.

After the Bakers spoke with Thatcher, Hannah was switched to Prancer, a quarter horse .

"You can't win the Derby on a quarter horse ."

He was an influential Quarter Horse stalpon in the early days of the breed.

She has owned 20 American Quarter Horse Association world champions.

Berry, 44, a Brooklyn-born puter systems engineer who rides Sinbad, a Texas quarter horse .

He will be incted into the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame in 2011.

A 13-date quarter horse season will run June 27-July 20.

He is probably the most important modern sire in the Quarter Horse racing instry.

All except the All American Futurity, the quarter horse 's version of the Kentucky Derby.

James won 10 consecutive titles on her quarter horse , Scamper, in 1984 through 1993.

In 2012, he was incted into the American Quarter Horse Association Hall of Fame.

Lone Star Park at Grand Prairie quarter horse season, Oct . 1-Nov . 27

Tentative dates for the track's fall quarter horse meet are Oct . 1-Nov . 27.

-Louie Roussel is talking about building a quarter horse racetrack in Louisiana outside of Shreveport.

It's difficult to see quarter horse in a sentence. 用 quarter horse 造句挺难的


英语中的缩写词“QH”通常被理解为“Quarter Horse”的缩写,其中文含义为“四分之三马”。本文将深入剖析这一缩写词,包括它所代表的英文原词、中文发音(sì fēn zhī sān mǎ)、在英语中的使用频率以及其分类和应用场景。QH主要应用于体育领域,具体细节如下:QH</的英文原词是Quarter Horse,...

quarter horse congress造句 quarter horse congressの例文

In October 2000, she represented the Northeast Kansas Quarter Horse Association in the All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen's Contest in Columbus, Ohio.The "'All American Quarter Horse Congress "'( AAQHC ) is known as the largest single breed horse show in the world.All...


英语中的缩写词“QHU”常常代表“Quarter Horse Unit”,中文直译为“四分之一马单位”。本文将深入探讨这个缩写词,包括其英文原词的含义、中文拼音“sì fēn zhī yī mǎ dān wèi”以及其在英语中的常见使用情况,如流行度、分类和适用领域。具体来说,QHU是专属于体育领域的缩写词,主要用于描述...


quarter horse则是一种特别的竞赛马,通常用于四分之一哩的赛马比赛中。quarter day则是指四季中的结账或付款日期,对于商业和财务活动意义重大。另一方面,at close quarters这个短语描述的是接近或密切接触的状态,例如在困难情况下或进行近距离观察。另外,"draw and quarter"是一个令人不安的术语,指...


英语缩写词"QHC"通常代表"Quarter Horse Congress",直译为“四分之一马大会”。本文将深入探讨这个缩写词,包括其英文原词、中文拼音(sì fēn zhī yī mǎ dà huì)、在英语中的使用频率、分类、应用领域,以及相关示例。"QHC"的主要含义是专用于马术领域的活动,特别是在竞赛或代表大会中,它...


当我们遇到英语缩写词"QHA",它通常被解读为"Quarter Horse Association"的缩写,中文译为"四分之一马协会"。这篇文章将深入剖析这一缩写词,包括其英文单词的全称、中文拼音的发音(sì fēn zhī yī mǎ xié huì),以及它在英语中的常见度、分类和适用领域。QHA的缩写源自专业术语,它在体育领域...


QHN的中文解释是 Quarter Horse Network 的缩写,表示的是四分之一马匹网络。这个缩写词在英语中的流行度反映了其在相关专业或社交环境中的广泛认知。它主要用于专业交流和网络平台,旨在简化信息传递,提高效率。然而,它的版权归属于原创者,仅供学习和分享,使用时请确保遵守相关规定,以避免潜在的风险。


应该是theyarehorses吧翻译为这些是马。HYH是什么意思 HYH是HoldYourHorses的缩写,意思是“慢点,不要着急”。它指的是阻止别人太快行动或者思考的请求,引导别人把事情做得稳妥一点,不要贸然行动。这句话常用在交流当中,避免双方着急作出不明智的决定。例如:A:我们应该立刻采取行动!B:HYH,我们先看看...


“WCQH”代表什么意思?英语缩写词"WCQH"主要被用于指代"West Cove Quarter Horse",中文直译为"西湾四分之一马"。本文旨在深入解析WCQH的含义,包括其英文单词的全称、中文拼音(xī


英语缩写词“WSQH”通常代表“Washington State Quarter Horse”,中文直译为“华盛顿州四分之一马”。本文将深入解析这个缩写词,包括其英文原词、中文拼音(huá shèng dùn zhōu sì fēn zhī yī mǎ)、在英语中的使用频率和分类,以及它在体育领域的具体应用示例。WSQH的中文解释是华盛顿州四分...

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