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建筑Architecture | 北京胡同Beijing Hutong

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-28 02:59



热心网友 时间:2023-12-29 21:31


        I visited old Beijing Hutong ring the epidemic. In Hutong, there are no tourists coming and going, no traffic noises, and the rest is the quiet life that has been in Beijing for many years. The alley is like another world. Living in the prosperous area of the urban area, I never knew that in the same city, someone lived a life a lot different from mine. Walking along the narrow winding alley, it is a crowded house. The gates of many yards are open, quilt clothes are hanging in the yard, cats are lying in the sun, and people sit idle in the old-fashioned living room. The rhythm of life seemed to slow down a few beats in the alley.


        In fact, in the process of wandering, more or less, I see that many of the existing problems in the Hutong have yet to be resolved.


        The most important problem is people's privacy. I am just a visitor but I can walk into the small alley freely. Many yards do not keep the door closed, maybe they have always been like this, but through the door slit, passing people can see what is happening inside. Like many years ago, the yard is still small and messy, with many personal items stacked in the yard. People still live in the days of carrying toilet paper to go to the public toilets. Real life scenes are very unbearable.


        The second is the feeling of crowding when walking on the road. Needless to say, the small alley, the road itself is very narrow, and the roadside is full of personal cars, bicycles, and even clothes and quilts hanging on the top of the head. The road is even worse. In the design era of Hutong, we are far away. At that time, people's travel was not such a need for private cars. People living in Hutong parked private cars on the crosswalk. I couldn't even find a place to put my feet when I visited, so I could only walk on the motorway. But this behavior puts a heavy burden on the driveway. It is a Dilemma.


        Should we implement some transformations in the alley?


        Those who support no transformation have their own reasons. They believe that Hutong is part of Chinese culture. The precious legacy left by our predecessors for us should not be transformed. They hope that future generations will remember this history, such a unique culture, when they visit here again.


        Those who support transformation think that it is necessary to improve people's lives through transformation. Some renovations only renovated the outermost house, fitted with brand new bricks and tiles, and looked more facade from the outside. Those passing by will only look at the outermost house. As for the house hidden in the deep alley, it is still dilapidated. They hope to comprehensively transform the alley and improve the quality of life.


        It is precisely because both factors are taken into account that the architect avoids completely overturning the previous house and uses the "micro-shaping" method to make the building have the charm of an old house and improve the quality of life.


        With an objective and scientific attitude, a planning and design team was invited to investigate the current status of Hutong in depth. Analyze the economic and human causes of Hutong's changes in recent years, analyze the problems of Hutong, and analyze the opportunities of Hutong in the future, and then provide solutions. Through the writing and discussion of architects, governments, and original masters, restore the glory and eness of Hutong vitality.
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