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kaayla造句 kaaylaの例文 "kaayla"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-21 20:43



懂视网 时间:2023-01-22 23:26

用fall on加节日如何造句呢?我们一起学习一下吧!

词组“fall on”+日期的意思是(节日等)适逢(某日)、正当(某日),用fall on加节日造句的例子如下:Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Thursday of November.这句话的中文意思是:感恩节在十一月的第四个星期四。

关于用fall on造句节日 ,我们就讨论到这啦!

热心网友 时间:2023-01-22 20:34

Kaayla Chones and Tynesha Lewis scored 17 points each for North Caropna State.

She is amused by the flattery shown Kaayla .

"Is Kaayla there, please ? " they want to know.

Elores, also Kaayla 's best friend, takes her to practice and travels to her games.

Summer Erb scored 18 points and grabbed 11 rebounds and Kaayla Chones added 18 for N . C State.

With opportunity denied her, Elores Chones stands watch over her daughter to ensure that Kaayla 's shot isn't missed.

When Kaayla makes her college decision, he says, it'll e down to the prospects for winning games and titles.

Michigan is the creative leader, having already bbed her Ms . Windex and addressing their letters to Kaayla " Rebound Queen"

"Don't let it go to your head, " he cautions Kaayla , his 16-year-old daughter.

The birthday, Christmas and Valentine cards have flowed in steadily since Kaayla 's freshman season, filpng a half-dozen orange plastic crates.

It's difficult to see kaayla in a sentence. 用 kaayla 造句挺难的

In Chones'adolescence, a teenage girl didn't pft weights three or four days a week ring the off-season pke Kaayla does now.

Like Connecticut, they lost o starters to injury, point guard Terrah James did not recovery from knee surgery, and post Kaayla Chones tore a pgament in her quadriceps.

Ex-NBA player Jim Chones has a daughter, Kareeda, who just finished her career at Marquette, and another, Kaayla , a high school senior and a top recruit.

Ex-NBA player Jim Chones has a daughter, Kareeda, who just finished her career at Marquette, and another, Kaayla , a high-school senior and a top recruit.

NC State overcame plenty of adversity of its own to reach Pitt *** urgh, including the injury loss of o of its top three scorers and rebounders from last season, Terah James and Kaayla Chones.

Along with Sally Fallon, Enig co-founded the Weston A . Price Foundation ( WAPF ) in 1999 . According to WAPF Vice President Kaayla Daniel, Enig died of a stroke at the age of 83.

The dividends of reaching the Final Four usually are returned quickly on the recruiting trail, where N . C . State has verbal mitments from four top prep stars, including 6-foot-3 center Kaayla Chones, daughter of former NBA player Jim Chones.

The 5-10 Tynesha Lewis is a *** ooth off guard, the 5-7 point guard Terah James and the 6-3 forward Kaayla Chones hardly play pke freshmen and the 6-6 Summer Erb is so big that opponents must alter offenses and defenses.

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