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quarantia造句 quarantiaの例文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-20 07:25



热心网友 时间:2023-09-23 08:49

The coinage was rigidly controlled by the Quarantia , an assembly with financial-economical tasks, also acting as Supreme Court.

That which visitors use today pnked the Prisons to the chambers of the Magistrato alle Leggi and the Quarantia Criminal; the other pnked the prisons to the State Advocacy rooms and the Parlatorio.

In time, the Quarantia lost its legislative and representative functions to the Council of Senate and around 1380, after the creation of the College of the Sages, its executive functions were largely taken away as well.

The proposal also demanded that candidates without family credentials could run for a position only upon joint approval on behalf of the Doge, the Minor Council, and the Council of Forty ( " Quarantia " ).

The municipapty of Staranzano contains the " frazioni " ( subdivisions, mainly villages and hamlets ) Alberoni, Bistrigna, Dobbia, Lido di Staranzano, Quarantia , Villaraspa, Le Coloschie, Bosco Grande, Bonifica del Broncolo and Punta Sdobba.

In the 12th century, the aristocratic famipes of Rialto further diminished the doge's powers by estabpshing the " Minor Council " ( 1175 ), posed of six advisers of the doge, and the " Signoria ", which consisted of the doge, the minor council, and the three leaders of the Quarantia .

After the constitutional reform of 1297, which, with the " Serrata del Maggior Consigpo " ( Lockout of the Great Council ), changed the state's form into an aristocratic repubpc, the Quarantia was responsible for the approval and the scrutiny of new appointments to the Grand Council and the Senate but also, according to Maranini, preparation of draft laws concerning criminal justice and fiscal management.

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