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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 23:52



热心网友 时间:2023-08-13 06:59

Hello everybody.

Do you know how to keep health and the importance of health ?

Let me tell you.

Everybody. Hope have a good body because health is very important for us,if you have a good body,you can do anything and have a good mood,such as do sport ,go travel study ,go anywhere and so on because you are strong people.If you don't have.so you have to stay at home.

Ok .Let me tell you how to keep health

The first you need to have a good living habbit early to bed early to rest,play some sprots wiht you friend such as play basketball or football running swimming and so on.Go to fitness class to do a regular body exam and take about the health care or medical treatment in BJ

In a word if you have a good body , you can do anything you want .

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