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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-16 18:34



热心网友 时间:2024-01-13 13:30






2、数学: 图形题很多,不是常规的奥数题,主要考察逻辑思维  







东坡日:“鲁直(黄庭坚字)近字虽清劲,而笔势有时太痩,几如树梢挂蛇。“山谷日: "公之字固不敢轻论,然间觉褊浅,亦甚似石压*。"二公大笑,以为深中其病。 





公元627年(唐贞观元年),大唐高僧玄奘为纠正汉文佛经的错误,离开长安到佛教的发源地天竺(印度)求取真经。他西出玉门关,经伊吾(今新疆哈密),至高昌(今腊 吐鲁番),横穿大漠。又跨越终年积雪的凌山(今天山穆素尔岭),跨越帕米尔高原,历经干难万险,终于在公元628年夏末,到达天竺的西北部。




从气候上来说瓜州一带被称作"世界风都",那里的民谚有“一年一场风,从春刮到冬”之说,以现代的气象资料来测量,那里每年八级以上大风就在150天以上,其中的"百里风区”更是在250天以上!从河西到新疆的铁路是中国最难保证通行的路段之一 , 1959年通车迄今,年年遭受风魔袭击,运输时常迫停,仅暴风刮翻行进中的列车,造成重大事故的情况就达二十多次。"百里风区”每年因大风停运造成的直接经济损失达2亿多元。


帕米尔高原终年酷寒,而印度又终年酷热,最高温度可达摄氏50度以上。直到今天 印度还每年都热死人。




2、free talk,不少于8句话。话题有:网课与线下课,新年在家吃还是饭店吃,如何应对压力,你喜欢的游戏,中国节日,居家情况



参考:As we can see in the left picture,an American family are having the Christmas dinner at a fancy restaurant, there is a roast turkey、 some Christmas pudding and mince pies on the table In the right picture,a big Chinese family are enjoying their New Year's Eve dinner.There is a braised fish、plates of mplings on the table.A "Fu'(福) Mark is hung on the wall upside down,some kids are letting off fireworks outside to celebrate the Spring Festival.

The picture reflects two different ways to have New Year's Eve dinner The first way is having the dinner in restaurants, another way is cooking dinner at home. With the improvement of living standards, many people are no longer content with simple and economical life style.They are getting richer and are willing to spend large sums of money enjoying luxurious New Year's Eve dinner in restaurants.

But in my point of view,! prefer celebrating New Year with my families at home.Firstly, Family Reunion Dinner is an essential custom on New Year's Eve. We will feel more comfortable and sweet when we eat and chat at home It takes almost whole afternoon to prepare the dishes. Of course.that is a chance to show my mom's cooking skill. We also try to do something to help her.Secondly,thrift is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation.Homemade dinner not only can save money,but also is healthy and hygienic.Especially ring the epidemic situation,we had better stay at home and avoid crowds.

In my family,my grandma will put a coin inside one mpling when making the mplings. The people who eat this mpling will be to thought be a lucky guy in the coming year. The fish could not be eaten out because the fish means extra things by partial tone. And it represents the wish for a prosperous year with abundant and even extra wealth and luck.


参考:In the left picture, a girl is playing computer games at home happily.In the right picture^here are many children playing football and basketball in the park.

Nowadays, with the workload of students becoming heavier, more and more students are suffering heavy pressure both mentally and physically. There are lots of ways to release our pressure, among which playing e-games and doing outdoor activities are the most popular ones. The question is which one is more suitable for students. If you asked me, I would say doing outdoor activities. Because I see no harm out of it. It keeps us active, makes our bodies stronger, boosts our metabolism so as to keep us energetic to cope with heavy workload. What' s more, we can always have a whale of time by doing outdoor activities, making more friends and enjoying good relationship and companion. E-games, quite the opposite, could bring us lots disadvantages.

I see lots of friends get addicted to them and their grades are affected. Playing E-games is fast and convenient. I mean people have easy access to them. With a small piece of electronic devices they can play the whole day if there is no one to stop them and inevitably it hurts their eyes and makes them living in an unhealthy lifestyle.

Anyway, as students, when it comes to the questions of choosing the right way to release our pressure and how to relax ourselves. I think we should get our priority straight. That is to study. Although e-games are interesting and popular; we must say no to whatever activities that could affect our grades and health. Let' s join hands to do more outdoor activities so as to cultivate healthier habits and become well-rounded people who can take the social responsibility in the near future. Thank you.



warring State Period 战国时期   

No pain no gain没有付岀就没有收获 


days went by and years moved on.

 It's impossible to gain without pains. 

Do not expect windfall/Never seek windfall.

stubborn/hard-head 固执  


ambition 雄心

We should be ambitious.  

be open-minded and flexible, and adapt to any circumstance. 

Do not follow/abide by the dead rules.

动词:i It trains our will.    

It improves our vigor.    

It promotes our strength.   






名词:strength, spirit, soul, belief truth, morality 道德,inner 内在,

ambition, motivation, patience, progress, over-all development, perseverance, persistence.

参考:Once in Warring State Period there was a farmer who worked hard in the fields every day.One day, while he was ploughing the fields, he heard a bumping sound. A rabbit bumped into a tree stump accidentally and died of a broken neck. He picked it up and found that it was a fat rabbit. He thought to himself, "Since it is so easy to get a rabbit like that, why should I work so hard all daylong?wHe threw his hoe away and lay by the tree every day; dreaming for more rabbits to come. Days went by and years moved on, his field lay waste, but he never got a second rabbit .When he finally realized his foolishness and returned to his fields, he found that all his crops were dead.

The story told us no pain ,no gain , we shouldn't expect windfall.lt is also used to show adhering to narrow experiences and not being able to be flexible.The farmer in this story is so stubborn that he refused to adapt to any circumstance.lf we want to live a successful life.we must be ambitious,open・mind and flexible.Only through hard study and struggle can we succeed.Thank you.

ef英语哪个好 EF英孚英语培训怎么样? 英孚英语好不好 EF英孚教育到底好不好 大佬们,麦芒7和荣耀10那个值得入手?2500以下的机子还有啥好推荐的么... 介绍几款2500元以前的手机 像素一定要高 其他的不做要求 近期想入手一部安卓手机,价格2200到2500左右…买HTC desire Z还是 三星... 笔记本忘记开机密码怎么办急死了 笔记本电脑屏幕开机锁忘记密码 怎么办?急死了 华硕笔记本电脑开机密码忘记了怎样找回?系统是Windows 7旗舰版... 优等生的结构优等生的结构是什么 _优的结构 _优的结构是什么 黜免的意思黜免的意思是什么 悯默遂无词的解释是什么 悯默的解释 悯默的解释是什么 火影最终佐助会死吗? 求一首藏头诗送男朋友,陈伟波生日快乐 寒噤的意思寒噤的意思是什么 洁晰的结构洁晰的结构是什么 喷饭[pēn fàn]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?_百度... 迫不急待什么意思解释 贫还酒债迟的翻译贫还酒债迟的翻译是什么 而立未立 杵在地上怎么形容 痛改前非意思 想问定睛一看原地杵啥意思 头痒搔跟的介绍 宋教仁的革命事迹 宋教仁的生平事迹 九级丁等普通话是什么意思 原陵老翁吟原文|翻译|赏析_原文作者简介 黜罚的解释 哀切[āi qiè]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么? 心旷神飞的解释 雷电的成语雷电的成语是什么 愤迅的词语愤迅的词语是什么 沪邑元宵灯火的文言文怎么解释? 灯火徒相守的解释灯火徒相守的解释是什么 灯火门前笑语的解释灯火门前笑语的解释是什么 郐字的意思 郐是什么意思 思君的解释思君的解释是什么 思君常入梦的解释思君常入梦的解释是什么 精选劳动的古诗词分享 可怜西塞渔叟的解释是什么 上幸皇太子新院应制原文|翻译|赏析_原文作者简介 t型交叉路口标志什么意思? 知好歹的结构知好歹的结构是什么 好共歹的结构好共歹的结构是什么 歹话的结构歹话的结构是什么 成语发自?