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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-08 01:34



热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 13:22

翻译:Every New Year's Eve, families would gather for reunion dinners. In many places, people like fireworks. Dumplings are the most traditional food. Kids like the Chinese New Year, because they can eat food, wear new clothes. They can also get their parents give red envelopes.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 13:23

Every New Year's Eve, families would gather for reunion dinners. In many places, people like fireworks. Dumplings are the most traditional food. Kids like the Chinese New Year, because they can eat food, wear new clothes. They can also get their parents give red envelopes.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 13:24

Every New Year's Eve, families would gather for reunion dinners. In many places that people love fireworks. Dumplings are the most traditional food. Kids like the Chinese New Year, because they can eat food, wear new clothes. They can also get their parents give red envelopes.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 13:24


I graduated from high school. Yesterday, I took the high school entrance examination. I think I did well.我从中学毕业。昨天,我参加了高中入学考试,我认为我考得很好。I believe I can be admitted to the best high school in my city. My school held a grand graduation ceremony this...


如下:My penpal is a boy.我的笔友是一个男孩。He name is ZhangChenxi.他的名字叫张晨曦。He lives in TangShan with his father and mother.他与他的父亲和母亲住在唐山。He likes playing footbal.他喜欢玩足球。He likes making kites and eat good food.他喜欢制作风筝和吃好的食物。He us...


I think that the students do not spend money to save the idea, mainly because most of them for only one child, parents who are very conniving. Also with the rising standard of living, students are increasingly the pursuit of fashion, wasting a lot of money, but also neglected ...


But I ale write English dairy too.Because of the wrong computer,the message didn't here.I wish myself to live more better tomorrow.7月5号星期一多云 今天我从一个名叫合川”的地方回来,这是一个好地方。有一些美丽的河流,就像长江河流。我是在两天前到那里的。因为我的姨妈在这个地方。

请帮忙翻译成英语作文 谢谢!!

My life First heard this topic, I have some trance.My life is monotonous, but happiness.Actually, I think, it doesn't matter what fast is not happy, but his attitude problems see things.I spent most of the time in the school life. Chinese children to read, so early in ...

请帮忙翻译一下这篇英语作文,谢谢 It was a sunny day. We decided...



I have a round face, a thick black hair with a pair of one's eyes brimming with radiating vigour of big eyes. I have many hobbies, such as: swimming, chess, calligraphy, painting, etc..在班级里,我工作负责,同学们喜欢我,老师也信任我. 我的优点是爱看课外书,如作文书、辅导...


A company manager Zhang Xiaofang received a letter of invitation, ms Huang Meiyu invited her at 7:30 in the evening of October 10, 2008 to the Great Wall holiday hotel to the party. While Zhang Xiaofang just before receiving the letter with the United States agreed meeting time ...


I want to go to Tokyo, where it is a very prosperous cities. I can enjoy the beautiful Fuji mountain, also can see the beautiful blossoms. In Tokyo, can have a lot of things, for example, I can see the Eiffel Tower mounted in Tokyo, Tokyo, still can go to Tokyo Disney...


The college entrance examination in June this year, we, two-week Spring Festival holiday has been a luxury for us to do.How should we use reasonable two weeks away. First, as before we can not just eat and drink every day, we need to plan a reasonable time to learn.But ...

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