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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-06 03:19



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 10:33

Chapter 13 The Fight at Anvard
By about eleven o'clock the whole pany was once more on the march
riding wesard with the mountains on their left. Corin and Shasta rode right at the rear with the Giants immediately in front of them. Lucy and Edmund and Peridan were busy with their plans for the battle and though Lucy once said
"But where is his goosecap Highness?" Edmund only replied
"Not in the front
and that's good news enough. Leave well alone."
Shasta told Corin most of his adventures and explained that he had learned all his riding from a horse and didn't really know how to use the reins. Corin instructed him in this
besides telling him all about their secret sailing from Tashbaan.
"And where is the Queen Susan?"
"At Cair Paravel
" said Corin. "She's not like Lucy
you know
who's as good as a man
or at any rate as good as a boy. Queen Susan is more like an ordinary grown-up lady. She doesn't ride to the wars
though she is an excellent archer."
The hillside path which they were following became narrower all the time and the drop on their right hand became steeper. At last they were going in single file along the edge of a precipice and Shasta shuddered to think that he had done the same last night without knowing it. "But of course
" he thought
"I was quite safe. That is why the Lion kept on my left. He was beeen me and the edge all the time."
Then the path went left and south away from the cliff and there were thick woods on both sides of it and they went steeply up and up into the pass. There would have been a splendid view from the top if it were open ground but among all those trees you could see nothing - only
every now and then
some huge pinnacle of rock above the tree-tops
and an eagle or o wheeling high up in the blue air.
"They *** ell battle
" said Corin
pointing at the birds. "They know we're preparing a feed for them."
Shasta didn't like this at all.
When they had crossed the neck of the pass and e a good deal lower they reached more open ground and from here Shasta could see all Archenland
blue and hazy
spread out below him and even (he thought) a hint of the desert beyond it. But the sun
which had perhaps o hours or so to go before it set
was in his eyes and he couldn't make things out distinctly.
Here the army halted and spread out in a line
and there was a great deal of rearranging. A whole detachment of very dangerous-looking Talking Beasts whom Shasta had not noticed before and who were mostly of the cat kind (leopards
and the like) went padding and growling to take up their positions on the left. The giants were ordered to the right
and before going there they all took off something they had been carrying on their backs and sat down for a moment. Then Shasta saw that what they had been carrying and were now putting on were pairs of boots: horrid
spiked boots which came up to their knees. Then they sloped their huge clubs over their shoulders and marched to their battle position. The archers
with Queen Lucy
fell to the rear and you could first see them bending their bows and then hear the angang as they tested the strings. And wherever you looked you could see people tightening girths
putting on helmets
drawing swords
and throwing cloaks to the ground. There was hardly any talking now. It was very solemn and very dreadful. "I'm in for it now - I really am in for it now
" thought Shasta. Then there came noises far ahead: the sound of many men shouting and a steady thud-thud-thud.
第13章 安瓦德之战

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 10:33

Chapter 13 The Fight at Anvard
By about eleven o'clock the whole pany was once more on the march
riding wesard with the mountains on their left. Corin and Shasta rode right at the rear with the Giants immediately in front of them. Lucy and Edmund and Peridan were busy with their plans for the battle and though Lucy once said
"But where is his goosecap Highness?" Edmund only replied
"Not in the front
and that's good news enough. Leave well alone."
Shasta told Corin most of his adventures and explained that he had learned all his riding from a horse and didn't really know how to use the reins. Corin instructed him in this
besides telling him all about their secret sailing from Tashbaan.
"And where is the Queen Susan?"
"At Cair Paravel
" said Corin. "She's not like Lucy
you know
who's as good as a man
or at any rate as good as a boy. Queen Susan is more like an ordinary grown-up lady. She doesn't ride to the wars
though she is an excellent archer."
The hillside path which they were following became narrower all the time and the drop on their right hand became steeper. At last they were going in single file along the edge of a precipice and Shasta shuddered to think that he had done the same last night without knowing it. "But of course
" he thought
"I was quite safe. That is why the Lion kept on my left. He was beeen me and the edge all the time."
Then the path went left and south away from the cliff and there were thick woods on both sides of it and they went steeply up and up into the pass. There would have been a splendid view from the top if it were open ground but among all those trees you could see nothing - only
every now and then
some huge pinnacle of rock above the tree-tops
and an eagle or o wheeling high up in the blue air.
"They *** ell battle
" said Corin
pointing at the birds. "They know we're preparing a feed for them."
Shasta didn't like this at all.
When they had crossed the neck of the pass and e a good deal lower they reached more open ground and from here Shasta could see all Archenland
blue and hazy
spread out below him and even (he thought) a hint of the desert beyond it. But the sun
which had perhaps o hours or so to go before it set
was in his eyes and he couldn't make things out distinctly.
Here the army halted and spread out in a line
and there was a great deal of rearranging. A whole detachment of very dangerous-looking Talking Beasts whom Shasta had not noticed before and who were mostly of the cat kind (leopards
and the like) went padding and growling to take up their positions on the left. The giants were ordered to the right
and before going there they all took off something they had been carrying on their backs and sat down for a moment. Then Shasta saw that what they had been carrying and were now putting on were pairs of boots: horrid
spiked boots which came up to their knees. Then they sloped their huge clubs over their shoulders and marched to their battle position. The archers
with Queen Lucy
fell to the rear and you could first see them bending their bows and then hear the angang as they tested the strings. And wherever you looked you could see people tightening girths
putting on helmets
drawing swords
and throwing cloaks to the ground. There was hardly any talking now. It was very solemn and very dreadful. "I'm in for it now - I really am in for it now
" thought Shasta. Then there came noises far ahead: the sound of many men shouting and a steady thud-thud-thud.
第13章 安瓦德之战
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