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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-07 01:22



热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 09:07

在运动场上,总是可以看到运动员挥洒著汗水,努力锻炼的身影。运动员的英文叫 。其实,运动员不只是一种职业或身分,更是一种对生活的态度!

Let’s talk的英文老师介绍了10个有关运动员的字汇,运用简单的语句,就能够贴切地表达他们的特质。

1. Drive 驱使


Example : The drive for perfection makes an athlete work hard on his game .

2. Focus 专心


Example : For a sport *** an , it is important to always focus on his goal .

3. Discipline 纪律


Example : Nothing great can be achieved without discipline ; especially in the field of sports.

4. Dedication 付出


Example : An athlete who shows plete dedication towards his sport will surely reap great rewards over a period of time.

5. Determination 决心


Example : The best athletes are the ones who have the steely determination to win.

6. Emotional maturity


Example : Apart from talent , a sportsperson needs to master the art of emotional maturity in the face of defeat and pressure .

7. Presence of mind


Example: Every game can throw a new challenge in an athlete’s path , hence the presence of mind to face these challenges is required .

8. Competitiveness 竞争力


Example : On the field , the athletes show extreme petitiveness ; such behaviour is often what makes the audience enjoy the game .

9. Aggression 侵略性


Example : Aggression on the field is sometimes a good tactic to intimidate the other side ; but too much of it can get the player in trouble .

10. Attitude 态度


Example : Hard work , talent and the right attitude are the best qualities an athlete can have in order to succeed .



学英文, 打球 英文, 英文, 英文单字, 英文字汇, 运动 英文, 运动员 英文

热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 09:07

在运动场上,总是可以看到运动员挥洒著汗水,努力锻炼的身影。运动员的英文叫 。其实,运动员不只是一种职业或身分,更是一种对生活的态度!

Let’s talk的英文老师介绍了10个有关运动员的字汇,运用简单的语句,就能够贴切地表达他们的特质。

1. Drive 驱使


Example : The drive for perfection makes an athlete work hard on his game .

2. Focus 专心


Example : For a sport *** an , it is important to always focus on his goal .

3. Discipline 纪律


Example : Nothing great can be achieved without discipline ; especially in the field of sports.

4. Dedication 付出


Example : An athlete who shows plete dedication towards his sport will surely reap great rewards over a period of time.

5. Determination 决心


Example : The best athletes are the ones who have the steely determination to win.

6. Emotional maturity


Example : Apart from talent , a sportsperson needs to master the art of emotional maturity in the face of defeat and pressure .

7. Presence of mind


Example: Every game can throw a new challenge in an athlete’s path , hence the presence of mind to face these challenges is required .

8. Competitiveness 竞争力


Example : On the field , the athletes show extreme petitiveness ; such behaviour is often what makes the audience enjoy the game .

9. Aggression 侵略性


Example : Aggression on the field is sometimes a good tactic to intimidate the other side ; but too much of it can get the player in trouble .

10. Attitude 态度


Example : Hard work , talent and the right attitude are the best qualities an athlete can have in order to succeed .



学英文, 打球 英文, 英文, 英文单字, 英文字汇, 运动 英文, 运动员 英文

热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 09:07

在运动场上,总是可以看到运动员挥洒著汗水,努力锻炼的身影。运动员的英文叫 。其实,运动员不只是一种职业或身分,更是一种对生活的态度!

Let’s talk的英文老师介绍了10个有关运动员的字汇,运用简单的语句,就能够贴切地表达他们的特质。

1. Drive 驱使


Example : The drive for perfection makes an athlete work hard on his game .

2. Focus 专心


Example : For a sport *** an , it is important to always focus on his goal .

3. Discipline 纪律


Example : Nothing great can be achieved without discipline ; especially in the field of sports.

4. Dedication 付出


Example : An athlete who shows plete dedication towards his sport will surely reap great rewards over a period of time.

5. Determination 决心


Example : The best athletes are the ones who have the steely determination to win.

6. Emotional maturity


Example : Apart from talent , a sportsperson needs to master the art of emotional maturity in the face of defeat and pressure .

7. Presence of mind


Example: Every game can throw a new challenge in an athlete’s path , hence the presence of mind to face these challenges is required .

8. Competitiveness 竞争力


Example : On the field , the athletes show extreme petitiveness ; such behaviour is often what makes the audience enjoy the game .

9. Aggression 侵略性


Example : Aggression on the field is sometimes a good tactic to intimidate the other side ; but too much of it can get the player in trouble .

10. Attitude 态度


Example : Hard work , talent and the right attitude are the best qualities an athlete can have in order to succeed .



学英文, 打球 英文, 英文, 英文单字, 英文字汇, 运动 英文, 运动员 英文
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