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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 23:43



热心网友 时间:2023-04-23 17:05


Hello ,everyone!Let me tell your how to cook the noodles.First cut up some onions, tomatoes and green vegetables.Then pour plenty of water into the pot .When the water is boiling,add noodles into the water.After the water is boiling again, put a little oil, salt, soy sauce, and other spices and vegetables.A few minutes later, you can eat the noodles.How delicious they are!



热心网友 时间:2023-04-23 17:05


At the end of the year, Mom and Dad are very busy. I really want to cook breakfast for them. What kind of breakfast should I cook? I thought about it, let’s cook simpler noodles! Just do it, I asked my grandmother how to cook noodles.


The next day, I got up early and started cooking noodles for my father and mother. I soaked the noodles in water, washed the pot and put it on the gas stove, and poured some water into the pot. After a while, white smoke came out of the pot, and I guessed the water should be boiling. I put the noodles in boiling water.


Suddenly remembered that Dad liked to put some greens when he was eating noodles. I quickly put the greens into the pot and boiled together, and then put the seasoning into the pot. After a while, a scent of noodles came to my nose, and I thought the noodles must be cooked. I tried it and it tasted great. Mom and Dad were surprised to see the noodles I cooked! They all praised me as a good boy. Watching my father and mother happily eating the noodles I cooked, I was very happy.

对照译文:忽然想起爸爸吃面条时爱放一些青菜,我连忙将青菜放进锅里一起煮,再把调料放进锅里。 过了一会儿一股面条的香味向我的鼻子扑过来,我想面条一定是熟了。我试了一下,味道真好。爸爸、妈妈看见我煮的面条都很惊讶!他们都夸我是个好孩子。看着爸爸、妈妈开心地吃着我煮的面条我心里乐极了。

热心网友 时间:2023-04-23 17:06


Today, I told my mother that I would cook instant noodles in the morning.


Mother said to pour a little water on the line, to wait until the water boiled before putting noodles.


After putting noodles, put vegetables, oil, and finally salt. Listening to my mother nagging so much, I was a little scared.


Trembling to pick up the thermos, afraid to pour more water, if more, instant noodles will become convenient hot.


After a while, I saw the water began to bubbling up, thinking: this must be water boiling, put instant noodles into the pot.


According to the mother said vegetables, oil, salt into the pot in turn, with a spoon pressure, waiting for the noodles to soften.


After a while, a burst of fragrance came, which made my mouth water.

热心网友 时间:2023-04-23 17:06

  First put some water into the pot , then turn on the button make sure it is boiling. After this, when the water is boiled,put the noodles into the water. Then put the salt to suit your flavor. After about five minutes, make the noodles out of the pot.


  英文:Turns on the water the ebullition to boil thoroughly the first surface, is putting the thing which one like eating, may put the egg and some pork and the minced green onion, moreover do not forget that adds the seasoning powder!

热心网友 时间:2023-04-23 17:07


英文:Turns on the water the ebullition to boil thoroughly the first surface, is putting the thing which one like eating, may put the egg and some pork and the minced green onion, moreover do not forget that adds the seasoning powder!

介绍煮面条的英语短文如下:Hello ,everyone!Let me tell your how to cook the noodles.First cut up some onions, tomatoes and green vegetables.Then pour plenty of water into the pot .When the water is boiling,add noodles into the water.After the water is boiling again, put a litt...


中文:先放水沸腾把面煮熟,在放自己喜欢吃的东西,可以放鸡蛋和一些猪肉和葱花,另外别忘记加调料粉哦!英文:Turns on the water the ebullition to boil thoroughly the first surface,is putting the thing which one like eating,may put the egg and some pork and the minced green onion,moreover ...


英文:Turns on the water the ebullition to boil thoroughly the first surface, is putting the thing which one like eating, may put the egg and some pork and the minced green onion, moreover do not fet that adds the seasoning powder! 怎样煮面条英语作文 First put some water into the pot ,...


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I always cook some noodles by myself, I like this kind of food, healthy and delicious.It needs three steps. First, fill the pan with water, and put it on fire until water is boiling. Then put noodles into pan, wait for 3 minitutes. Next put some cold water in, and ...


So if you're in a hurry or just craving for instant noodles, tear open a package and see for yourself just how easy it is.在任何情况下方便面都是食用佳品。食用方便、迅速,而且不需要什么知识。首先,用大约500毫升的沸水将方便面泡在碗里。把一小包调料(通常已备好)放在面条里,盖上...


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今天,我的祖母来招待我,给我煮面条。开始时,奶奶又放了五碗面粉在一大盆,中间凹进处,在中间的水。只是水面粉像火山口,在这里,奶奶又放了较好的盆,用筷子搅拌正确,当水是面粉吸光,再用手卷,像片片粉和面粉倒入一个舞会,这一刻,就像一块粗糙的石头,真是变化无常 !经过一段时间,面粉...


范文:My favorite noodles are noodles with scallion oil. Scallion oil noodles, also known as noodles mixed with scallion oil, is a characteristic and famous dish in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai of China.我最喜欢的面条是葱油面。葱油面又称葱油拌面,是中国江浙沪地区的一道特色名菜。Th...


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