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英语翻译 李俊基

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 23:28



热心网友 时间:2022-05-13 00:40

My idol is Lee Jun-ki. He is a actor, singer. He came from Asia, South Korea, are very popular around the world. His birth date is 1982-04-17 Aries. His home is in Busan, Changwon, height 178, weight 63 kilograms, blood type B. He graated from Seoul Composite quote College Performing Arts Department, hobbies: video games, football, internet, singing, dancing, family members: father, mother, sister. He is the world's most handsome, and I often on television, the series saw him, my favorite film of 2002, he "my girl".

热心网友 时间:2022-05-13 01:58

My idol is the Li Jun base ,He is the actor, the singer. He from the Asian South Korea ,Is popular in the whole world ,His date of birth is 1982-04-17 Aries ,His hometown is Pusan prosperous original, height 178, body weight 63 kilograms, blood-group B. Graates synthesizes in Seoul quotes the College performing arts department, the interest hobby: The computer game, the soccer, the surfer, sing dance, family member: Daddy, mother, younger sister. He is in the world is most graceful, I on the television, at the serial TV opera saw him, I most to like him frequently in 2002 patting "my girl".
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