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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 23:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:32

【As for people of the nationalities, the historical cultural background, the geographical environment, the traditional custom and the thinking method are different, hence it is not uncommon that the profound meanings of the language expressions are in contradiction.】

【It deserves to pay more attention when translating, if not taken carefully, one false step will make a great difference.】

【The difference in the geographical environment can make it not the same between the association arose by different nationalities and response arose in emotion. For example, the word “Xi feng ” is widely diverse in the meaning between the cultures of East and West.】

来自北大西洋暖流给西方人民带来了对春天的企盼,便有雪莱的名诗Ode to the west wind相颂,但中国民谚“喝西北风”却源于那来自西伯利亚的寒流,预示严冬的降临。
【A warm current from The North Atlantic brings the expecting of the people in the West for the spring, so it exists the Shelley famous poem entitled “Ode to the west wind” to glorify it. But the Chinese folk proverb “drink the northwest wind” is derived from just the warm current from The North Atlantic and indicates the oncoming winter.】

【If we make no explanatory notes when translating, the misunderstandings will happen inevitably. 】

【In the course of the language developing history of different nationalities, the differences of the cultural background, the geographical environment and the traditional custom will inevitably influence the differences of ways of thinking; and the differences of ways of thinking will be always embodied in the expressing ways of language.】

【Language and translation are both the inseparable parts in culture and they will be inevitably influenced and changed by culture.】

【On the face of it, an activity of translating is not merely that of language, the cultural factors will act on the course of translating to different degree. Meanwhile, the fact that the course of translating is affected by the cultural factors set a new task which can not be negligible for the construction of the translation Studies.】

【Language and translation are inseparable. Due to the nationalism of the language, the regionality and the contemporary spirit, the translation is meaningless to be talked about without the consideration of cultures of language when translating. Cultural differences always exist. The differences in the cultures between English and Chinese determine the different features in English and Chinese.】

【This paper first introces the culture of East and West and the relationship between culture and translation.. It points out that the essence of the differences between East and West is the cultural differences. Therefore, the difficulty of translating lies in transcending language barriers and the cultural thinking is the most important thing of the translating thinking.】

【Finally, by the translation of the advertisements as an example, the influences of translating of the cultural differences between East and West are further discussed.】


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:32

Due to differences of the historical and cultural background,geographic
environment, traditional customs and the way of thinking of varieties of nations, deap meanings expressed by different languages are often contradictory. And this calls for special attention when translating, even a bit carelessness may cause the true meaning to go the reverse way.
Diversity of environment makes diffenrent nations to associate and react emotionally in
a diverse way. for instance,the meanings of the word "west wind" are apparently different in the oriental and the western culture. The west wind deeply affected by North Atlantic current brings a beautiful anticipation of Spring to the western people, thus eulogized by shelley's famous poetry <ode to the west wind>, but the Chinese folk proverb"drink the northwest wind" dirives from Siberian snap,which indicates the falling of a cold winter.If we don't note it when translating, misunderstandings will be inevitable.
During the development of all nations' languages,differences in cultural background ,geographic environment and traditional customs would certainly affect the way of thinking; while differences in thoughts are always embodied in languages' means of expression. language and translation,which,cannot be separated from culture, are both parts of it, hence they are inevitably influenced and changed by culture.
thus It can't be clearer that translation is not merely language activity,cultural factors will
act on the process of translating in varying degrees. At the same time,the fact that translation is restricted by cultural factors also leaves an issue that cannot be ignored for the constuction of translotalogy.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:33

As each race has his/her own historical and cultural background, plus from different geographical span, customs and believes which attribute to differences in language(s) expression and the underlying meaning could be interpreted/translated differently. Hence, the language translation process ought to be cautious about, once it is overlook, it may be translated in devastating stage.
Different in geographical location may also have different thoughts and emotion implication amongst the races. Example, the wind from the west may be viewed with different meanings. It beacons for spring for those people who stay in the west which the warm current from North Atlantic would bring to them - the spring, in which it is reflected in "Ode to the west wind" by Sherry. In contrast, the idiom from Chinese "To gurgle the west wind", which the cold current originated from Siberia which brings chilled winter to them. Hence, if there isn't any remarks to illustrate, it bounds to have misunderstanding of the meaning of the same stuff.
In the development progress of linguistics history, different in culture, different in geograpics and customs will affect the thinking process; as such, the differences in thoughts will reflect in the linguistic expression. Language and its translation is part and parcel in culture, these will be affected by the culture too.
Hence, the translation process is not only be affected by language, but also by culture. At the mean time, the cultural factors may constraint the translation studies, and it ought to be aware of.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:33

Due to historical and cultural background of the people of all ethnic groups, geographical environment, traditional habits and thoughts caused by different method of language expression of the deep meaning of contradictory situation not rare. In the process of translating this should be more attention, will have a carelessly a bit, who travels may tables.
Geographic environment of differences can be made of different people cause associations and emotionally reaction caused by the same. For example, "west wind" one word in the significance of east-west cultural is quite different. Warm from the north Atlantic to the western people brought to the expectation of spring, will have Shelley's Ode to the west wind makes praise, but China minyan in northwest wind "but" drank from the cold from Siberia, foreshadowing winter's coming. In translation, if not add annotated, unavoidably will proce misunderstanding.
In each nation's language historical development process, cultural background, geographical environment and traditions of different, will invariably affect the way of thinking is different; And thinking methods differences, and always should reflect in language expression. Language and translation is an inalienable part of the culture, therefore inevitable culturally influenced by culture, which change.
Thus, the translation activities is not only language activities, cultural factors in different degree will effect on the process of translation. Colleagues, by cultural factors restricting the translation process of the fact that the construction of for translation proposed a serious subject.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:34

yes 有ids阿斯

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