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Travel to Paris

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-23 01:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 13:37


Thanks Henry-the-French-expert. Can Carte Orange be used for Metro RER Train and Bus in Paris? Or it can only be used for Metro only? The guide books and and the Parisinfo e are not clear on this point.

If you arrive Paris on Sunday please DO NOT by carte d'orange immediately since carte d'orange valids from Monday to Sunday. For the first day of travel you can use car (10 tickets pack). It will be enough. If you will stay in Paris for a week then it's worth to buy carte d'orange. But you only need to buy zone 1 - 2. If you need to go to Versailles (zone 4) or Disneyland (zone 5) you just need to buy single ticket will be OK. For the last day just use cars then finally buy a ticket to airport will be OK. It is possible to go to Mont St. Michel and e back in the same day. But you need to wake up so early to catch the train depart at 7:05am in Paris. Mont St. Michel is worth to visit don't miss it. If you want to see the tides in Mont St. Michel you may need to stay one night outside Paris. Hotels in Mont St. Michel is super expensive. You can get rooms in St. Malo or Rennes. The rate in Rennes should be lower as St. Malo is a famous spots for tourists. i.e. If you will stay one night outside Paris that me you will miss 2 days in Paris. Then you should not buy carte d'orange... you can use car in the whole journey in Paris. 2007-07-19 14:54:03 补充: I am not an expert... just because I stayed there one year so I know a bit more than you.Carte d'Orange can be used in metro RER bus tram and cable car in Montmartre. If you get a Carte d'Orange for zone 1 and 2 it will let you travelling around Paris city centre. 2007-07-19 14:55:27 补充: Reminder: If you buy Carte d'Orange for a week. Please write or tell the people in box office that you need "Carte d'Orange hebdomataire" which me weekly ticket. Since if you say only "Carte d'Orange" they may give you a monthly ticket参考: living in Paris for a year before + travel experience
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