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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-23 09:29



热心网友 时间:2023-04-27 10:29


  个人陈述 (PS)是国内学生申请英国大学研究生必须要提交的申请材料之一。个人陈述也是申请者对自己的评述,如个人能力、性格、爱好等。个人陈述的好坏有时和申请成功紧密相关。需要同学思考自己以往的学习经历,确立文章的主题,尽可能的在书写中表现自己的个人特点和优势。


  (1) 个人陈述有适宜的字数要求,不宜过长或过多。写的太多不但不能突出重点,反倒容易让人产生疲倦。

  (2) 不要按照常见的模式去撰写,国外的院校更希望看到你自己的特点和你对即将申请的专业的想法。

  (3) 撰写的过程要注意语法和使用,学校希望通过个人陈述看到你的英语能力。

  (4) 撰写的时候同时需要注意,学校希望学生是乐观、主动、积极、向上的。

  (5) 在写作中不要写得很空洞,更多学校在个人陈述中想看到的是学生在这个过程中收获到的东西和自己的价值体现。


  Personal Statement

  This is applicant -- from China. As an aspiring dreamer, I have been enthusiastically fond of accounting and finance and aspired to make a difference in this domain. However, I clearly know that there is a long way to go from an aspiring dreamer to a talent in the field of accounting and finance. In striving for my goal, I pursue constant progress and self-transcending to become a best me. After entering Wuhan Institute of Technology in 2010, I chose Accounting as my major without hesitation. Now, to perfect my knowledge system and sharpen my vision, I am sincerely applying for the postgraate programme in your esteemed university.

  Through the extensive study at university, I not only enriched my professional knowledge but also enhanced my independent thinking, logical thinking as well as computing skills. Also, the undergraate study enabled me to get a general understanding of accounting. my interest in finance and management was strengthened. With strong enthusiasm, I made full use of time to watch economic reports and read financial books. Driven by my self-motivation, I learned the specialized courses assiously and achieved satisfying performance. To be more competent, I obtained the Accountant Qualification Certificate. I am convinced that the knowledge storage will serve as a strong support for my further study.

  I regard your esteemed university as my dream place to pursue a higher degree. With favorable learning environment, eminent faculty, abundant resources and sound facilities, your distinguished university attracts me a lot.

  After my completion of the postgraate study, I intend to find a job relevant to accounting and finance in a large scale enterprise. Then, I will endeavor to be a distinguished accountant who can make a difference. I know that the postgraate study demands hard work and commitment; it is a real investment of time and money, but I’m getting fully prepared to embark on the learning journey. I am not afraid of challenges. And I always regard myself as a fighter with an unconquerable will to upgrade and develop myself.


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