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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-24 20:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 04:10

  一. 词语运用。(根据下列句子的意思及所给的汉语提示,写出空缺处单词或短语的正确形式)

  1. He had a __________(发烧)last week .

  2. ________(喝)milk is good for your health.

  3. There are many___________(不同)between baseball and soccer ball.

  4. This radio station has___________更好的服务)than that one.

  5. I have got a___________(牙疼).I need to see a dentist.

  6. He _______________(感冒)last week,so he can’t go to school.

  7. They ____________________(擅长)speaking English.

  8. Her sister went to see the old man__________________.(一个月两次)

  9. We did a _____________(调查)of our readers and this is what we learned.

  10. He is good at___________(唱歌)

  二. 单项选择。

  11. It’s important__________the righr and wrong things to do .

  .A.knowning B.tell Cto know D.telling

  If you are ___________,you should listen to music.

  a. stress out b .thisty c.healthy d. stressed out

  12. Tony usually watches tv __________. A. next week B.tomorrow C.on weekends D. today

  13. Please come over to my house ,I’ll make you _________to eat.

  A something delicious B. delicious something C,anything delicious D .delicious anything

  15.There is __________rain this sping .It’s always wet.

  A.too many B. too much C much too D. many too

  16.I’m eating _________food to keep fit next year. A.healthier B. health C. healthy D healthiest

  17.Most boys enjoy _________and _________.

  A.swim,skate B. to swim, skate C. swimming ,skate D,swimming ,skating

  18.How ______-does bill play football. –twice a week.

  A. many B.long C. much Doften

  19.--Are you ______at english? ---No,but this time I did_________in the English exam.

  A. good,good B,well,well. C.well ,good D.good, well

  20.--_________is this bike ________? ---It’s five hundred yuan.

  A.how many ,cost B. how much ,\ C, how, like D. whose ,/

  21.--________did your mother work on the computer last night? ---Two and half hours.

  A.How far B. How long C. How big D. How much

  22.—How often does your sister go to school?

  a. six times a week b.once c. a week d for six times

  23.we are going to do something help __________the olympics a great success.

  a. make b. makes c.making d, made

  24. we are going to the movies _________next week.

  a.some time b. sometime c. some times d. sometimes

  25._________will your father come back from work ?

  a.how long b. what time c. how soon d. how soon

  26.hurry up ,there is ___time left.

  a.little b. a little . c.few d.a few


1. He had a ___(发烧)last week .2. ___(喝)milk is good for your health.3. There are many___(不同)between baseball and soccer ball.4. This radio station has___更好的服务)than that one.5. I have got a___(牙疼).I need to see a dentist.6. He ___(感冒)las...

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1. How often (频率:always, often, usually, sometimes, hardly ever ,every day/…… )/ how long (段时间)/how many /how much/how far(距离、ten minutes’ ride)/how soon (in+段时间) 2. on weekends/weekdays (介词 in on at ) in the morning /on Sunday morning /on a rainy morning. ...

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Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分)( )1.—Would you like to clib ountains with e this Sunday?—I’d love to. But I ___ play table tennis between Class Three and our class.A.a goingB.a going to C.aD.going to ( )2.—Do you like swiing?—Yes, swi...


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Unit 2 What’s the matter?班级___ 姓名___ 学号___ 得分___I. 选择填空(共15分)。( )1. --___ --I have a headache. A.What's the matter, Judy? B.Where are you, Judy? C.Who are you? D.What are you doing, Judy? ( )2.--What’s the ___? --I have a ___.A.matt...


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以下是八年级上册英语同步学案的目录,涵盖了本学期的学习内容:Unit 1: "How often do you exercise?" - 这单元主要探讨运动频率的话题。Unit 2: "What's the matter?" - 学习关注和理解他人健康状况的表达。Unit 3: "What are you doing for vacation?" - 讨论假期计划和活动。Unit 4: "How...


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in a factory near thinks Chinese people are friendly and Chinese food is very can speak a little he goes to Chinese classes every says it isn’t too easy to learn he must study hard.( )1. is a young man.( )2. likes China because he likes Chinese people and food....

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Tina Jittaleela的个人资料中,她喜欢的歌手有哪些? 索兰娜特·尤潘农基本信息 李缇娜个人 老公坚决要离婚该如何挽回 老公要离婚态度坚决怎么挽回 听说我们用的手机其实很脏,用普通消毒不环保,有那种专门的紫光手电可以... 统一 哪个集团 金鼠标金鼠标网络营销大赛 江礼坤个人履历 金鼠标网络营销大赛奖项设置 磁簧传感器测信号仪器叫 企业如何做好风险管理 数据线短路会烧坏充电宝吗 手机lnk用什么打开 xsmax屏幕失灵 失败受挫以景衬情的句子 上古传说神话故事 现在交医保还来得及吗? 农业银行etc信用卡能提额度吗 愿为市鞍马 的市的读音是什么? 梦见跟她结婚生了孩子的预兆 发芽的词语发芽的词语是什么 女真族是满族吗? 梦见死了人还变成了鬼的预兆 郑振铎是一个怎样的人? “jay”的艺术字怎么写? 周月仙用艺术字怎样写 艺术字周晨晨怎么写 周世朋艺术字怎么写 你是日语怎么写? 初二英语 根据句意,选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空,有的需要变换形式。 初二英语,根据意思用括号中的词的适当形式填空 初二英语下册从方框中选择正确的词,并用其适当的形式填空 (possible , health , frighten , good 时光停不掉的是你是什么歌 陈奕迅这首《谁来剪月光》透过月亮表达对爱的渴望 我急需要一篇严重符合论文标准格式的小学教育论文.真的是急需要.有谁知道有这样的论文请帮帮我!!! 匎什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么? 赫连姓的来源及姓赫连的名人 bioradcfxmanager报错无效板 熊_的结构熊_的结构是什么 _熊的结构_熊的结构是什么 熊蹯的结构熊蹯的结构是什么 狗熊的结构狗熊的结构是什么 iphone删除了短信怎么恢复 2020年元旦联欢会宣传语 请问北方产的木瓜可以食用吗?木瓜有什么作用呢?如可食用,有什么方法吗?给推荐一下吧,十分感谢!! 烘鞋器能不能当除湿器用 汗脚鞋子怎么除湿 上海虹源建筑装潢发展上海北庭装饰除臭鞋柜特性 除湿机功能有哪些除湿机使用注意事项