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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 19:29



热心网友 时间:2023-06-20 16:13

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴There are two main ways of gene therapy, ex vivo and in vivo methods.In vivo means carriers will need foreign genes directly into body.This can be viral or non-viral vector.Commonly used anti-retroviral vector, adenovirus infection.Anti-retroviral through interaction with the host cell surface receptor infected host cells.After entering the host cell cytoplasm.using anti-retroviral viral particles containing the beginning of the anti-retroviral genomic RNA.synthesis of linear DNA in the virus genome, DNA integrated into the host genome.Need anti-retroviral vectors of the virus genes, and the foreign gene marker gene.Mediated gene transfer in the ordinary course of roughly includes six steps : cloning the gene, packed into cells, cells into screening.selective cultivation, infected cells, gene expression analysis and treatment.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-20 16:13

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴The gene treatment main way has two, namely ex vivo and in vivo way.In the vivo way needs the carrier directly to inct the extraneoussource gene in vivo. This kind of carrier may be the virus or the non-virus. The commonly used viral carrier has the reverse to record thevirus, the adenovirus and so on. The reverse records the virus isthrough mutually affects with the host cell surface special acceptorinfects the host cell. Enters the host cell afterwards 鑳炴祮 center,includes the reverse with the viral pellet in to record the enzyme tostart to reverse records the viral gene group RNA, after the synthesisvirus gene group's linear DNA copy, viral DNA conformity to host genegroup in. The reverse records the viral gene group ingredient, theextraneous source gene and the mark gene which the viral carrierneeds. Lies between leads the gene shift the general processapproximately to contain six step: The clone goal gene, incts thepacking cell, the screening transformation cell, the elective culture,the infection cell, the analysis gene expression and the treatmentresult.
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