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谁知道 英文舞曲 - stereoliza-corporatelogic 的歌词!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-12 13:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 14:40

stereoliza-corporate logic

Our company was just starting a desl

when it occurred my boss to hore me, lady STL

Lost of clever candidates demonstrated

broad vision at selection process go-no-go decision

My sixiest gear pushed on decision's taking

- I'm ready to start, heh, money-making

Miss Thang was gonna start introcing my job:

"Another bitch in the house,

why not a nice baby-pop?"

Shut up, shit, I just thought to myself

I'm a lady STL, I'll give you hell

She went on explaining what is our common dream

Sat back introcong our company's team:

"Yo, nice to meet you, Mr. Low Mr. Tea and Toady-boy!"

I knew they're ultimate dorks, despite all that crap

I had to get to my wizzwork

Refren :

One proces that shit

Somebody gotta use it

And I just sit and spit

And we all do that in the company's interest

Mr. Tea throws a fit

Toady-boy steals a bit

And I just sit and spit

And we all do that in the company's interest

Meanwhile I was surpissingly enthused

By the fact that miss Thang was extremely profuse

Talking 'bout flashy cars and trendy restaurants

What she needs, who she wanst,

who's another guy to bonk

After that Mr. Low couldn't restrain

from porno web-sites

Waiting for the colleagues leave the office

and to work nights

Toady-boy was not just curious in this

His inverstigator's talent never left him in peace

Next morning secretary's giggling in the hall

Recealed the whole story with the message to all

We new that Mr. Tea was jealous, Sir Low ever lower

Miss Thang - just delicious, trying to get over

So I concluded that for well-paid positions

One should abandon all the inner inhibitions

Corporate Iogic is something like black box,

But finaly I've guessed how all this stupid


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