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急求一首名叫《last dance》的演唱者。是个外国乐队 以ch开头的,女主唱。里面有句歌词i

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 21:17



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:24

我知道一首名叫《just one last dance》的歌

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:24

专辑:Original Album Classics

Nina - Last Dance
Would you rather know the truth? ..
Oh .. Even if it hurts you
So here we are
Can't believe out song is fading off
Thought we would dance,like this forever
Now every single note is breakiing down
Till there's no sound
When I'm checking on the thought of this
You broken up the next part of us
For once,was it worth it ?
Cus when the music ends
You won't be seeing me again, and then you know,
If it was worth it
You were innocent,till I prove you guilty
Even though it kills me,the truth is better then the lie
No going back, I've reached my final verdict
You had my heart and hurt it,but I won't let you see me cry
This is our laaaaaaast dance ..
Our laaaaaaast dance
This is our laaaaaaast dance ..
Our laaaaaaast dance
So take my hand
Follow me down to the floor right now
Only have half of a song left to go
And I'm not even angry for that you've done
I'm only sad I have to let go
When I'm checking on the thought of this
You broken up the next part of us
For once,was it worth it ?
Cus when the records ends
You won't be seeing me again, and then you know,
If it was worth it
You were innocent,till I prove you guilty
Even though it kills me,the truth is better then the lie
No going back, I've reached my final verdict
You had my heart and hurt it,but I won't let you see me cry
This is our laaaaaaast dance ..
Our laaaaaaast dance
This is our laaaaaaast dance ..
Our l......aaaaaaast dance
Would you rather know the truth ?
Even if it was hurting you
Could you say goodbye, if you knew that it was right
If you knew that it was right
Ooohh oooh
You were innocent,till I prove you guilty
Even though it kills me,the truth is better than the lie
No going back, I've reached my final verdict
You had my heart and hurt it,but I won't let you see me cry
This is our laaaaaaast dance ..
Our laaaaaaast dance
This is our laaaaaaast dance ..
Our laaaaaaast dance追问不是这个 是一个乐队

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