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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 21:06



热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 20:51

hello , my name is ceci,i am 12 years old, i am one point six meters tall, i like reading novels and listening to music, my favourite writer is guojingming, my english was poor before,but it became better and better ring i was in grade 6, now i love english very much, i think english is interesting . I hope we can get well along with each other,thank you.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 22:09

Hello everyone! My name is Ceci and I'm twelve years old. I'm 160 cm tall. I like reading novels and listening to music. My favorite writer is Guo Jingming. Once I didn't do well in learning English, but when I was at grade six it became much better and now I love English deeply. English has its own fasination and charm. I hope in following days we can get along well with each other. Thank you.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 23:43

Hello,everyone! My name is Ceci.I'm 12. My height is 1.6 meters.I like reading novels ,listening to music. My favorite writer is Jing.M.Guo.I was used to be weak in English,but when I was in Grade 6,my English got better little by little.Now I like English a lot.I feel that English is very interesting.I hope we can get on well with each other.Thanks!

Hello everyone, my name is Ceci . I am twelve years old. I am 160cm. I like reading novels ,listening to music. My favorite writer is Guo Jingming .My Englishi is not very good before, but in the sixth year in primary school , my English became better .Now I like ...


i like reading novels and listening to music, my favourite writer is guojingming, my english was poor before,but it became better and better during i was in grade 6, now i love english very much,

急需一篇英语的自我介绍。 小升初需要。外加中文翻译

hello, everyone, I’m glad to stand introducing myself here.大家好, 很高兴有机会在这里介绍我自己。My name is xxx, from Class xxx, Grade six xxPrimary School.我是xxx,xx小学xx年级X班的学生。I'm doing well in my study, I get on well with my classmates.我学习成绩优秀,...


Hello, everyone! My name is XX,【大家好!我的名字叫XX,】 I am pleased and so many new students to school together in this new learning environment,【 我很高兴可以和那么多的新同学一起在这个新的学校环境里学习】,but I am also very pleased to enter into this glorious early XXX...

小学升初中 英语自我介绍 帮我翻译 急

Hello,everyone,I'm very glad to stand here to introduce myself to you.大家好,我很高兴能站在这里介绍自己 My name is *** ,I am thirteen years old now and I am from ***primary school.我是***,今年13岁,来自***小学 I have range of hobbies,such as reading English books...


小升初面试英语自我介绍:英文:Hello, my name is(填名字). I am (填岁数), years old. My hobby is piaying football, I hope we can play football with you in after. And I hope become friend with everybody .That is my introduction, thank you.中文:大家好,我叫某某。我...


小升初面试带翻译英语自我介绍范文【1】Everybody is good; my name is called Tang jia. I in thesixth grade, faced with rose the middle school now, father and mother,grandfather paternal grandmother, teacher schoolmates place the very bigexpectation to me, I will certainly not ...


大家好,我是武卓盈,今年13岁,就读于西掌坡小学。很高兴能见到大家,希望能和大家成为朋友,望多多关照。Hello, everyone, my name is Wu Zhuo Yin. I am thirteen years old, from Xi Zhang Po Prmary School. I feel glad to meet you all and hope to become friends with all of you....


Good morning,my dear teachers.i am very glad to be here for my introduction.my name is ...,i am 12 years old . My biggest interest is reading which can let me get more knowledge. all this make me more confident when i communicating with others . also I like making friend...


as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等)I'm kind-hearted.(我很热心)If you need help ,please come to me .(如果你需要帮助,就来找我)I hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友)OK.This is me .A sunny boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩)

跨省小升初麻烦吗 小升初的英语 小升初英语简介 小升初不给转学籍 小升初转学好转吗 小升初转校学籍好转么 小升初用英语怎么说 小升初英语词汇 小升初必备英语单词
男生蹲在那里抽烟,女生去拿他的烟说“给我抽一口(女生不会抽烟... 大理附近哪里有网页UI设计培训班哪家比较正规? 苹果手机音乐文件删除了怎样找回来? 天龙八部3如何升级帮派城市 天龙八部帮派怎么才能升到5级。 视神经萎缩能恢复吗 怎么把vivox5max虚电弄没了 在苹果6手机上怎么注册appleid 梦见自己去私人诊所看下身,结果身上没有钱在裤兜里拿出来的都是卫生纸... 梦见两百万变成了卫生纸,该梦何解 小升初自我介绍 英文 小升初开学英文自我介绍 小升初英文自我介绍(一定要有中文番译)谢了!!! 小学一分钟英文自我介绍 小学生的英文自我介绍,难点,60词左右,有好的必采纳!!! 求一篇简单的英语自我介绍,六句左右,必采纳 要一篇英文3分钟自我介绍,要求是小升初的,不要太难 儿童英语简短自我介绍 小升初面试英语自我介绍(不要太短也不要太长) 小学生英语自我介绍10句左右答案一定要全是英文的,\带上中文翻译_百度... 幼升小英文自我介绍,快让孩子来学吧,很简单 小学英语自我介绍怎么说? qq钱包怎么设置小额支付? 为什么在QQ上支付QQ会员免银行卡验证密码。 QQ钱包小面额免密码支付怎么开启 为什么qq会员充值会直接邦定银行卡不需密码直接付款? - 信息提示 我这个QQ号,怎么设置发红包支付密码,为什么都免密支付,难道是系统默 ... qq怎么设置免支付密码?没绑定银行卡,实名制了,以前没实名制不用密码,很方便,现在实名制要密码 qq怎么开通小额支付免密码 电池行业中pack工厂是干什么的? 动力电池pack生产线 包含哪些工艺? 传统锻打家用不锈钢厨房刀具菜刀单刀怎么样,好不 菜刀哪种好?手工锻打的刀哪里还在生产? 锂电池pack是什么意思? 电池组pack厂家? 菜刀手手工锻打和机械锻打的区别 深圳电池pack厂家哪一家比较好 戈妮菜刀质量怎样 PACK厂是做什么的 纯手工菜刀品牌有哪些 电池行业常说的派克厂是什么意思 什么刀具最好,适合家庭厨房用 电池行业讲PACK是什么意思?这四个字母是分别代表什么吗?谢谢! 家用菜刀什么牌子好 做锂电PACK 需要用到哪些设备? 四川又轻又锋利的菜刀是什么刀? 2014年中国锂电池PACK企业10强是那几家企业--电池猎头网? PACK厂是什么?锂电池用PIN又是什么? 在秋天,衣服怎么搭配才会显得又高又瘦又潮流呢?