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do we need hero?英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-30 14:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 07:45

In modern society, we may feel that people are more indifferent to others than before. We have telephones, computers, and electrographs. As it is too convenient to communicate with our friends, we may often forget to get in touch with them. We make our living in a hurry. In that case we miss many things really valuable in our life, such as friendship. If other people around us are unconcerned about us, we may feel left behind and lonely. So we should make friends and nurture friends we do have. Why do we need friends especially in modern society? In the first place, friends can bring us many practical benefits. We need friends to support and help us out of difficulties. The famous Chinese writer, Ba Jin, wrote in his essay that friends were his saviors. When his life was miserable and gloomy, his friends gave him sympathy, love, joy and tearsfriends can lead us to new advantages, new opportunities and new life. We exchange our points of view and then get a boarder outlook and become more thoughtful. We complement each other with our own strengths and then become stronger and more powerful. In the second place, owning friends is our emotional need. We need friends to talk to and listen to us; we need friends to play with and share our joys and tears; we need friends to understand us and keep our secrets. Owning friends mean
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