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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 19:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:52

The green consumer (Green Consumer) green consumer is a proct to green proct refer to those care for an ecological environment, and serves the consumption crowd who has reality and the lurking buying the wish and purchasing power. That is ,the green consumer is that those have green mental consciousness , already or possibly green is aware of and changing the crowd who is that green consumes behavior. 绿色消费者(Green Consumer)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:52

Green Consumption

  The conception of green consumption has graally become popular in China. More and more green foods are making their appearance on the market and more and more people are becoming conscious of environmental protection.

  However, there still exist quite a few difficulties in the further promotion of green consumption. On the one hand, many people are still not quite clear of the advantages of green foods. On the other hand, e to high profits, many fake green foods are found in the market. Moreover, many consumers don’t want to pay extra money for green foods.

  There may be several ways to solve these problems. Firstly, the government should supervise the good quality strictly to protect consumers’ interests. Secondly, the conception of green consumption should be further promoted and emphasized. Thirdly, the government should work together with manufacturers to make the price more reasonable.
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