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我马上要研究生面试了下面这段话实在是超出我的英语能力 请英语高手把我下面的话翻译成英语吧 谢谢啦感谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 19:42



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:46

My college major was telecommunication engineering. Only after attending college did I realize I wasn't actually interested in this subject, but I still put all my effort into studying. In fact, I even received a scholarship and was named an honor student while in school. However while pursuing my studies in college, I began to develop a deep interest in a major called Ideological Politics and Ecation, and as a result I have also spent much of my free time reading books of this field. Upon graating college I dedicated myself to my graate studies, in order to become an accomplished student of Ideological Politics and Ecation.

敢说这个翻译相当准确啦~~ 同时,也对lindong2009ld所提到的的意见表示同意。


热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:46


热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:47

My undergraate major course is Electronics and Information Engineering. I didn't realize that I have no interest in it until I got down to it. However, nothing could affect my studious work and I also won my scholarship and title of model hardworking student. During my four-year university life, I had my own interest in ideological and political ecation studies. Therefore I frequently spared my leisure time to do some readings about this course. After my graation I unhesitatingly launched into preparation of postgraate qualifying examination. I have made up my mind to determinedly achieve my goal of taking ideological and political ecation course in my postgraate studies.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:47

My undergraate major is electronic and information engineering, the university after the discovery of this major is not my own interest, but I still study hard and school ring the period has also won a scholarship and learning pacesetter title, in four years ring the study, university of ideological and political ecation for my own professional more and more interested in the door, so I also always in our spare time reading about this door professional books. After I graated from university is unquestionably in the input to the graate center, in order to become a review of ideological and political ecation professional a graate student but work hard to struggl
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