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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 19:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 07:38

DELL简介- -

戴尔通过其"全球客户计划",向拥有全球业务的亚洲用户提供订制的成套服务和支持。它为全球客户提供统一订货、结账、订制产品 (包括安装专有软件),以及本地供货和现场服务等好处。
戴尔公司参考"亚太客户中心"的生产与专业功能,于1998年8月建设了位于福建厦门的"中国客户中心"(CCC)。为了满足中国市场日益增长的需求,2000年11月 "中国客户中心"拓展为39万平方英尺的设施。它继续在生产、管理、营销、财务等各个方面都按照戴尔模式运作。它于2001年3月获得ISO9001(2000版)和ISO14001认证。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 07:38

Michael Saul Dell (born February 23, 1965 in Houston, Texas) is the founder of Dell, Inc..

Dell is the son of an orthodontist and grew up in a well-to-do Jewish family. He had his first encounter with a computer at the age of 15 when he broke down a brand new Apple II computer and rebuilt it, just to see if he could. Dell attended Memorial High School in Houston, Texas, where he did not excel scholastically. Reportedly one of his teachers, still currently teaching there, commented to him that he "would probably never go anywhere in life."[citation needed]

After graating high school, he attended the University of Texas at Austin intending to become a physician. While at the university, he started a computer company called PC's Limited in his room in Dobie Center.[1]

The company became successful enough that, with the help of an additional loan from his grandparents, Dell dropped out of college at the age of 19 to run the business full-time. In 1987, PC's Limited changed its name to Dell Computer Corporation. Over time, and despite a number of setbacks (including laptops that caught on fire in 1993, temporarily losing the consumer market to Gateway in the mid 1990s, and others), Dell survived to become the most profitable PC manufacturer in the world, with sales of US$49 billion and profits of US$3 billion in 2004. As Dell expanded its proct line to more than computers, shareholders voted to rename the corporation Dell, Inc. in 2003. On March 4, 2004, he stepped down as CEO of Dell but stayed as chairman of the board, while Kevin Rollins, then president and COO, became president and CEO.

Accolades for Dell include: "Entrepreneur of the Year" from Inc. magazine; "Man of the Year" from PC Magazine; "Top CEO in American Business" from Worth Magazine; "CEO of the Year" from Financial World and Instry Week magazines.

In the 2005 publication of the Forbes 400, Dell was listed as the 4th richest man in the United States and the 18th richest in the world with net assets of around US$18 billion. Dell resides in Austin, Texas with his wife, Susan, and their four children (ages 9 to 13). Dell reportedly owns the 15th largest home in the world, worth an estimated US$18.7 million.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 07:39

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