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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-21 19:35



热心网友 时间:2023-05-01 06:37

【 #四六级考试# 导语】不做“说话的巨人,行动的矮子”。说再多的漂亮话,也不如做一件实实在在的漂亮事,行动永远是迈向成功的第一步,想永远只会在原地踏步。对于考试而言亦是如此,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。以下为“2021年6月英语六级话题作文赏析”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注 !


  Some People Like to Buy Books to Read, Other People Like to Borrow Books FromLibraries or From Other People. Which Do You Prefer?


  Some People Like to Buy Books to Read, Other People Like to Borrow Books From Libraries orFrom Other People. Which Do You Prefer?

  I like reading books. I not only buy books but also borrow books from libraries and from otherpeople. Over the years, this has become a habit. T his habit of mine is built upon the famoussaying "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed anddigested."

  Every time I go to the book store, I will buy some books like dictionaries, reference bookswhich are of pragmatic use and classical literary works which are to be chewed and digested. Unlike some people who buy books just for the purpose of filling their shelves and s howingothers how learned they are, my purpose is simple and practical — reading. Moreover, the booksI want to keep are usually too expensive and I can afford only a few volumes.

  From libraries I borrow books that are to be swallowed, because, on the one hand, library booksare not allowed to keep a long time; and on the other hand, the library is a sea of books and Ithink I have to do speed-reading, that is, to swallow as many as I can.

  I also borrow books from friends, especially new ar rivals. I just want to have a taste. If thetaste is good, then I will go and buy them to add to my store. If not, well, just for a taste.

  In short, I don't mind wher e I can get books, but books are always my source of knowledgeand wisdom


  ·My preference

  * Buy books and bor row books

  * The famous saying

  · Buy books to be chewed and digested

  · Borrow books to be swallowed

  · Borrow books to be tasted



  本文是一篇议论文。文中就买书看和借书看的问题进行议论并表达自己的观点和做法。本文第一段中作者就亮出自己的意见, 并在段尾引用一句名言开启下文, 阐明买书看和借书看的理由。最后一段结束段呼应第一段开头。


  “Some books are to be tasted, other s to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed anddigested.”“有些书只是品尝, 有些则快读浏览, 而少数一些书必须细品和消化。”

  (be) of pragmatic use 有实用性

  classical literary works 经典文学作品

  for the purpose of... 为了……

  fill their shelves 填满书架

  learned a. 有学问的

  volume n. 卷 , 册

  a sea of books 书的海洋

  speed-reading 快读

  new arrivals 新书

  add to my store 增加储藏

  wisdom n. 智慧


  Books are our good friends. When we began elementary school, we sta rted our friendship withthem. T hey never leave us unless we throw them away. When we are alone, they help us to getrid of lonely feelings. When we ar e in low spirits, they encour age us to stand up again. Whenever we are in trouble, they always offer help to us.

  However, not all books are worth reading. Certain ones can be harmful to our young people whohave committed crimes which have resulted in their being sent to prison. This is the result ofthe negative influence that these books which are not worth reading have upon their youngreaders .

  So it is important to make wise use of books . Our aim is not only to read them, but also to usethem. How can we use them mor e wisely? The answer is to practise what we have read. Onlyby pr actising and using the knowledge we have acquired from books, can we achieve more inour life .


  Books — our f riends and help us when we are

  * lonely

  * in low spirits

  * in trouble

  ·Books—not all worth reading

  * negative influence

  ·Wise use of books

  * practise what we have read


  本文是一篇说明文, 每一段的第一句均为主题句, 以后各句均为支撑句, 因此三段的层次特别分明。注意第二段首词 However , 表示转折过渡, 第三段首词So , 表示结果过渡


  get rid of 排除

  in low spirits 情绪低落

  encourage somebody to + v. 鼓励某人做某事

  not all (all not) 并非所有, 用于表示部分否定

  commit crimes 犯罪

  result in 导致

  have influence upon... 对.....有影响


  A library is a building for a collection of books, magazines, periodicals and newspapers. Thebook s are kept on the she lves in the stack room whereas the magazines, journals, etc. in thereading rooms. Modern libraries also have xerox rooms, and computer rooms.

  If you want to bor row books, you can go to the loan desk , look over the correct call numbersin the card catalog and ask the librarian to take them out for you. Or you're allowed to enterthe stack room to find books for your self, you can look up the bound volume of index for thearticles relative to the subject, on which you are going to write a thesis. If the library doesn'tsubscribe to the magazine which carries the ar-ticle you want, you can borrow the magazinefrom other libraries by means of inter library loan service. Don't forget to show your librarycard or I.D. card to the librarian before you go into the reading room, where you can readmagazines or newspapers. If you find a good ar ticle and want to keep it , you can have itplicated in the xerox room. Besides, if you want to watch films or slides , you can ask theprojectionist to play the videotape for you in the audio-visual room, where you can also listen tolanguage tapes and music tapes .


  ·Briefly int rocing a library

  ·Expound how to use the libra ry

  * bor row books

  * use the ca rd catalog

  * look up the index

  * use the xerox room and the audio-visual room, etc.




  stack room 书库

  xerox room 复印室

  audio-visual room 视听室

  loan desk 借书处

  call numbers 书架号

  card catalog 目录卡

  bound volume of index 索引合订本

  relative to... 与……有关的

  s ubscribe to... 订购

  inter library loan service 馆际借书服务

  plicate v. 复印

  slides n. 幻灯片

  projectionist n. 放映员

  videotape n. 录像带


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